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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Agreed the Judge indulges in self abuse due to self loathing.
  2. Oh well that explains it all then. However I'm told Albert from the corner is known for squatting 7 inches.
  3. Seems like abusing the Judge is a sure fire way to win friends and influence people on the Corner.
  4. I'm tempted to but some cunt called Withers stole my Demestos. words on the street are he's plying runaway boys with it.
  5. AbsoFuckinLoutely I don't know this Withers chap but if he sounds like me. I'm liking the cut of his jibb
  6. No the Major is a new addition to the Corner.
  7. Allegedly the Judge has been spotted clutching a can of Special Brew already this morning. While screaming Farage from his pimped out mobility scooter
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