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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Which FIBGER was that then?
  2. Your hedgehog must be nearly cooked now
  3. It would be a pleasure to work with you on this important matter sir
  4. Sorry to hear on the news tonight that gay reversion therapy is now officially discredited. That was your last hope. I guess suicide is now your only option now that your backstop has gone. Bye
  5. First rule in warfare. Don’t give your enemy warning of your intentions. Doh
  6. Calm down dear. It’s a commercial. It’s not a real mouse.
  7. Those anger counselling groups are bollocks. Full of weirdo cunts. I’m barred from seven of them for causing fights. You can go in my place if your gender identification therapy classes don’t clash. Toodlepip
  8. King Billy

    Will Young

    Couldn’t agree more old chap.They could take that other mincing sperm bank Anthony ‘cock mad’ Cotton on their alternative Grand Tour, taking in Dubai, Kuwait,Moscow, Qatar, Syria and all the other (too many to list) faggot friendly hot spots which are surely on all their bucket lists. If that doesn’t top the ratings you can call me a cunt
  9. She’s probably got a mop handle fully inserted in her right honourable Ringpiece by now. They don’t hang around in Holloway
  10. That Vicky Price is a fuckin sort. So that’s where Harvey gets his good looks
  11. Sir Lick Smegg everyone’s hero. Even his deformed non binary spastic offspring must hate him.Apparently Gaylord Putrid Mangledbum’s mortgage adviser helped him sort out the finances to buy his new 7 million mansion. Still at least he made sure students don’t have to pay any fees before he did us all a favour and fucked off. What a useless slimy cunt. Apart from all that I think he’s well alright
  12. You’d be hard pushed to fit one of her gigantic arse cheeks on a 52” tv and you definitely wouldn’t wanna be watching that while eating your breakfast after 42 pints the night before.aaaarrgh!!!
  13. Come on people! How does anyone expect these rotten to the core cunts to lie all day in parliament and then come out and start telling the truth. Obviously just an overlap between her two vastly different roles in life. Fucking shitty arsed ratfaced cunt
  14. This cunt is a one woman crime wave. Still if she thinks she’s Jesus take her out into the middle of the channel and she can walk home. Also I’ve got acute leprosy on my knob she could have a look at when she’s not too busy juggling two jobs. Criminal mastermind and mp
  15. That’s hillbillyist abuse You’re worse than pol pot. Hillbilly’s are people with feelings. I myself am absolutely flabbergasted. My flabber has never been so gasted. Anyway must go. The slaves are in need of a good whipping
  16. Barry Scott is a Cunt No doubt about it, 100% Cunt I sent my missus to the shop to get me beer and fags and that cunt had taken control of her mind and she came back with a 24 pack of cillit bang. Have me the worst fuckin hangover ever. Fucking brainwashing cunt
  17. What flavour are they? I haven’t been to Harrods yet
  18. David beckham might be studying you but he can probably afford to
  19. Don’t know what they are but I definitely hate them too. Fuckin cunts of the highest order
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