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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    And drivin a transit
  2. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Or living in a caravan
  3. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Now they’re getting into fucking corpses. These are all the sort of things could give people a bad impression
  4. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    I know mate.Thats the peaceful cunts doing all that. Grafters if nothing else
  5. So it was you who burgled blockbusters
  6. No reply from I am ape. Must have popped down to the Co-Op before they close
  7. I’m probably wrong but even some nice guys, as you appear to be, but who knows? turn out to be secret necrophiliacs. Just saying
  8. And by the way this is about some cunt fucking dead bodies and you want to create a smokescreen and talk about a minor grammatical error. What exactly are you trying to hide? Mmmm
  9. Unless your trying to say I’m wrong and dunces are stupid. Whatever
  10. Yeah but you’re a cunt and everyone knows a dunce trumps a cunt. Back of the net.👆
  11. Fuckin just shows you have to keep up with the law. I didn’t even know they’d made that illegal. One day your out enjoying yourself, next your banged up on a legal technicality
  12. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Just read that all this happened during a drug fuelled psychosis.So that’s why they won’t serve me at my local Co-Op since New Year’s Eve. Mind you I did overdo it on the spice and Lambrusco that night. Suppose I should pop down there in the morning and pretend I’m sorry. What a cunt this year has turned out already. I had such high hopes for it. Still next year I’m gonna party like it’s 1999. My mum always told me don’t go out and get bang on it without your stethoscope. How right she was
  13. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Spot on his fucking shitty arsed mothers forehead mate
  14. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Obviously being of slightly browner shade than us normal humans and therefore not as fluent in the native tongue of the civilised world, he has without doubt, as a welcome and indisputable asset to our historically safe and welcoming country mistaken funeral parlour for massage parlour. Therefore in my opinion he should be entitled to a massive compensation payout, televised apology from HRH and Theresa and possibly a benefit concert at Wembley. If he’s happy to let the matter drop then we should consider it a lucky escape and learn from the experience. Oh and apparently the Lib Dem’s have suspended him for the maximum 7 days for a first offence. If that doesn’t teach him a lesson then I’m a cunt, and we all know that’s not true.
  15. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Maybe brexit is to blame for the shortage of live people. See Tony Blair and all them other remain cunts mustn’t be cunts
  16. The judiciary have to keep their own personal tastes such as horse whipping etc. seperate from their professional obligations. One of the negative aspects of their chosen career, but balanced out by all the other sick perversions which come with the job. If it pleases your worship.
  17. King Billy

    Juan Guaidó

    Smeggie? No thanks mate I’m into women. Sorry
  18. King Billy

    Will Young

    And I’m not gonna call you Ah So. We aren’t really at that stage of our friendship yet, so for now it’s Arsehole. I think that’s the proper way to proceed. Full names all round Mr Hole.
  19. King Billy

    Will Young

    Will a wet wipe do? I keep some in the car when I’m out and about late at night. Just one of my many eccentricities
  20. King Billy

    Will Young

    Should have just called the war off once the place had been turned into shitdust
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