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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Yeah you’re right mate. I’ve been a bloody idiot. Thanks for making me realise what a fool I’ve been. From now on I’m gonna pull all these fuckin stupid toys outta my bum hole and think about real women. Thanks pal
  2. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    You can be so hurtful. I don’t wanna be your friend any more
  3. Bet she would shag him though
  4. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Ok duly noted. I will endeavour to be more careful in future. Thanks for your quick response. KB
  5. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Please can you let me know which post you have removed so I can learn what is and is not acceptable, as I am a newcomer to this site. Without knowing what post caused the problem it is difficult to change things. However please accept my apologies unreservedly. Yours sincerely K B
  6. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Has your mum ever mistakenly referred to my dad as sperm bank
  7. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Has anyone else spotted that couldn’t give a shit is a poorly hidden anagram of Khasim Khuram. The plot thickens
  8. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    My dads nickname for your mum is food bank. My mum is getting suspicious.
  9. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Signed Kasim Kurhan
  10. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Make sure CGAS wipes his hand clean before he zips you up
  11. The Gargantuan Cuntflaps stacked it and still got her personal best score, which is still lower than anyone else has ever got. Next week she should leap onto the ice off the top of Canary Wharf. She might even top today’s score and she could bring the camberbell end pikey his hedgehog fried rice. Apparently he’s been sitting up there all week testing his new infra red heat seeking glasses looking for somewhere to park his transit and caravan cos where they are now is almost full up with nappies, bags of shit and all the other fucking garbage him and his people sling out the window, cause they’re culture is to not live in a house but travel round wrecking everybody else’s happiness. Cunts
  12. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    This cunt Ainsley is a chef? He’s just asked another cunt “What exactly is Roasting?”And then “Where do vegetables come from?” Well that ones easy at least Every body knows vegetables come from Camberwell
  13. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Cos a discreet rapist is much more easy to accommodate in a civilised country. Discretion classes should be compulsory for all peaceful Brown cavemen.
  14. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Does that mean none of your family can go to your funeral???
  15. And to make things even worse Naga fucking Munchanyone sat there grinning like a front row spectator at a fuckin Khasim Khuram live show down the coop.Fucking BBC shit cunts
  16. Just watched some fucking shit cunt kraut government minister on bbc news talking about brexit and how” we “need to solve the Irish border ‘problem’. The fucking bratwurst faced square jawed stormtrooper said that she accepts that ‘if’ we leave we will have to find a solution to this issue. She had just previously been asked if the eu was going to renegotiate with our PM. Absolutely no she said. So there you have it. These fucking rats are determined to put up every obstacle to brexit, in the hope that our Quisling mp’s will stop it, on the pathetic grounds that they can’t deliver a brexit that’s good for jobs, good for this, good for that and all that blah blah blah shite. Katarina Barley was her name. Third Reich justice minister. So all she does all day is organise the firing squads and make sure the zyklon b tanks are full. Nice work if you can get it. Anyway I’m late for work now. Arbeit macht frei
  17. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Was that your starting point? Suppose you have to start somewhere.
  18. Your kindness knows no bounds I’ve got pet insurance so you won’t have to pay. Just don’t take me to the Co-Op funeral parlour afterwards. Anyway how are you? Are you still working up in Birmingham?
  19. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    You got your sisters shit on your knob
  20. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    Gotta turn it in now the Co-Op closes in ten minutes Goin down there on the pull
  21. King Billy

    Kasim Khuram

    He’s brought shame on all his family in Killarney
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