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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’ve let everyone down, Mostly myself
  2. I knew that last 3 litre bottle of White Lightning was a mistake.
  3. My uncle started smoking and 2 bensons later he was gone. Everyone at the asbestos factory where he worked turned up for the funeral. So kids Just say NO
  4. I’ve only got Betamax. Bought it off a couple of nice Irish guys in a transit outside Curry’s. The box was mint but they must of put an old one inside by mistake
  5. Yeah but he’s still gonna tarmac the driveway tomorrow, Isn’t he? Or he’ll have to return all the deposit. His word is his bond
  6. Off to the gulag for me then. Doh
  7. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Yeah but if only we’d listened to the clever cunts Clarke, Clegg, Cable, Blair, Ashdown, etc etc etc, and joined the magic Euro we could’ve been all living the dream now like them lucky Greeks and Spanish and Italians and Portuguese. When will we ever learn eh?
  8. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    That’s just Dudley apparently
  9. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    They have to wait till 23.59 on the 28th to see if the frogs have surrendered and which side ze wops are on today
  10. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    She could possibly be tied to the blades of her ‘husbands family’s windmill and have all the village youths throw their clogs at her. First one to knock her head into the bin wins a big bunch of tulips
  11. Wiltshire constabulary have just stopped a Lada near the cathedral containing Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Ken Livingstone and Diane Abbot naked in the boot. Mr Corbyn has been cautioned for possession of out of date elbow patches on his corduroy sports jacket and a further charge of associating with fuckwits
  12. Could be a secret signal to a Russian sleeper cell
  13. Marco Fu (again) Where’s me cue? Len Ganley- fishy fanny John Parrot - Scouse faggot Alan McManus- dirty scotch anus
  14. Graham Dott - fuckin good shot Rory McLeod - get the fuck out Crucible theatre - see ya later
  15. Marco Fu - have a big jimmy Judd Trump - Where’s my breast pump Stuart Bingham - somebody ring him Barry Hearn - anal ringworm
  16. Mark Williams - Oh matron! John Higgins - Ivor Biggun Steven Hendry - long and bendy
  17. Michaela Tabbs - genital crabs Tony Drago - anal impetigo
  18. Syrup of figs - Multiple Miggs
  19. I heard Jimmys dad only talked in the old Cockney rhyming slang and when he first saw baby jimmy he is said to have shouted “Fuckin hell luv you’ve done a Jimmy White in the bed
  20. He’s on a winning streak then. You can’t keep a good nazi down
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