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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Their manager taught them all to play the pink oboe
  2. My dad was a slave driver. I don’t mention that much either.
  3. How did the fucking pigmy reach the pedals?
  4. I’ve got loads of tippex if you need to be corrected
  5. But seriously though folks, on a positive note, he has managed to preside over a 600% increase in knife crime and the street murder rate in London has increased 5 fold so at least things have never been so good on that front.
  6. I could give him a bye for all that other shit, but a fuckin bus drivers son. Well that explains everything. Come on Khan. Get that bus out. I hate you Khan. Aaarghhhh
  7. I once bought 500 bottles of Tippex. I made a big mistake
  8. Come on mate We all know politicians never do anything dishonest or deceitful. Perish the thought. That would mean that they’re all just a bunch of lying cunts and that wouldn’t be right. Would it ??
  9. A Venezuelan company called Smartmatic has just been awarded the contract to count the votes in next years London mayoral elections. They will be paid 9 million pounds of public money, more than double the cost of the 2016 contract. The company has links to the Madura regime in Venezuela. In fact there is overwhelming evidence of major irregularities during the last election there. Mayor Khan does fuck all except complain about having no money to spend on police etc etc etc due to Tory cuts but seems to see nothing wrong in this strange, (some might say corrupt) decision. Perhaps he’s just a fuckin bent little racist windbag midget cunt. Who knows?
  10. A glimpse into the future for the ex Honda workers in Swindon
  11. If Soubry is up for playing my arse it’s game on 👅
  12. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    When I wrote “Good for her” I was pointing out The bishops shit spelling. The only thing I can think of as good for that fucking whirling dervish Begum would be about 6 spoonfuls of Harpic in her next cup of tea which is no doubt supplied free of charge like everything else this parasitic cunt gets in life. Just thought I should clear up any misunderstanding.
  13. When I first saw this my first thought was “Let me know when there’s a few more” and then my next thought was “Fuck it”
  14. Daddy, why has mummy got a bigger cock than you?
  15. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    From behind with a fist up his arse
  16. Anna Soubry and all these other cunts. Always wearing scarves around their turkey necks. Adam! Have you seen my apple anywhere?
  17. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Has anyone ever seen Shamima Begum and Alan Carr together?
  18. That Heidi Allen Marks out of ten I’d definitely give her one. Phwaarr.
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