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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I loved the episode where Reg Varney drove his bus straight through the hard border and proved that the backstop was a complete diversionary tactic. Timeless classic comedy
  2. Yeah and Michael broke into the Queens boudoir and their grandad was central to the plot of one of Dicken’s most famous but not one of his best novels “In all fairness”
  3. Have considered getting a Samsung? I believe they are made in S. Korea
  4. Not that long ago anyone talking in that manner would have been quickly surrounded by a large group of furious, but correctly motivated ordinary citizens and swiftly kicked to a pulp, in order to prevent children from adopting such utterly cunting behaviour. Sadly with the collapse of moral decency those days are “ like”gone. “To be fair”
  5. “So” I’m “like” “basically” ok with all this “to be fair”
  6. Is it just me being very easily annoyed nowadays?, or does almost every fucking so called expert or self proclaimed authority on some fucking subject being discussed on tv or radio have to answer every question they are asked by saying” So “ and then proceed to talk total shite? I’ve had enough of it. Something needs to be done about this and fucking quickly.
  7. Some cunt whose country of origin I would suggest was definitely not this green and pleasant land delivered my takeaway roast beef and Yorkshire pudding ( with all the trimmings ) from my local English takeaway t’other evening. I happened to look out the window as he drove off on a peculiar little red and white motorcycle/moped type thing and to my surprise the word Honda was emblazoned on the side of it, as if to stick 2 fingers up to all those hard working fine English heroes about to be dumped on the shit heap in Swindon. I don’t think anyone would blame us if we nuked the cunts again, just as a little reminder that we can. Fucking raw fish. Cunts
  8. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    I am going to boil my head
  9. How do you pull a fat bird? Piece of cake mate
  10. I’m afraid to try this poofery in case I like it too much
  11. Fell out of his wheelbarrow while drinking his lager
  12. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Do you not mean 75% Were still metric until March 29th and then we’re freeeeeeee
  13. I’ve been a muff diver for many a year I’ve spent all my money on muff diving gear The goggles the snorkel the muff diving tank If I’m not out muff diving I’m having a wank
  14. One of the greatest movies ever made “Schindler’s Cosh”
  15. So you found your crayons then. I’m pleased for you mate
  16. And then Liam Neeson coshed him and threw him in the oven
  17. So if they put a sign in the window of all knife shops saying “ No blacks” Fucking job done
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