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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Or ending up in Paris’s latest sex tape. I’m sure she inhales air and exhales helium
  2. ⛳️ FORE !!!!! Sorry I thought it said Golfball Warning
  3. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    That’ll be all the black jizz coming back up
  4. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    It will be swift and without warning
  5. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Ok that’s good to know. If you feel the overwhelming urge to plunge the blade into me be sure to check there isn’t a small red dot which seems to be moving around your upper abdominal area. Many acts of treachery have been thwarted at the last minute by a carefully planned defence stategy
  6. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Sorry about all that spelling nonsense the other day mate, I was tryin to sus out who the major cuntologists are around here. Pretty much worked out who’s rimming who now. I got no issues whatsoever with you mate. Quite like your style in fact old boy
  7. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Choosing her council house and cashing her giro, with a grin on her face as wide as the gash under her gazebo. Cunt
  8. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    The long held theory which politicians hold that ‘ If you continually shit on the little people they will eventually become dung beetles’ has for so long been the sad truth. But if enough dung beetles rise up and kick the shit out of these cunts. The lamp post has then become the Rottweiler. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! RISE UP YOU FUCKING LIMP WRISTED MONGRELS!!! WE’RE SHITTING NOW !!! ☠️☠️☠️☠️
  9. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    This cunt has now been moved out of the refugee camp according to this mornings news. Where to? No information. and by who? No information. She has apparently been threatened. Why would anyone threaten such a sweet innocent little thing. Odds are she is now in a nice hotel, everything free, bastard child being treated like the returning messiah, while our snivelling British government, who are probably behind this latest development, try to work out how to sneak her back to Britain, after all the bravado and strongman talk by Sajid Javid. You may think our government couldn’t possibly backtrack on this but quite simply, Politicians in this country now have decided that they can say and do anything they like and the public, who they are elected to represent can basically go fuck themselves. As in the so called “Independant Group” who have publicly rubbed their voters noses in the shit, and the announcement today that MPs are to get a 2700 pound pay rise again this year, more than nurses have had in the last 6 years. The sheer contempt in which these cunts of the highest order hold us is something that they will be held accountable for soon. I hereby declare that I am volunteering to build the bonfire of shite upon which all MPs and their Lordships shall be burned, to the sound of great celebrations by the decent people who they have shat on all their miserable fucking lives. Vive la revolution !!! Sorry forget that. Fuck them french cunts as well. PAYBACK TIME IS COMING
  10. And then had the gestapo round up anyone living within a 10 mile radius of you and machine gunned them to make sure your vile nonsensical views were not passed on to decent normal people
  11. Albert? Inspector Clouseau has fuck all on you. Carry on Sherlock
  12. Wearing his fake evil kneivel open crotch dungarees and attempting to jump 3 children’s tricycles, peddaling furiously L plates flapping in the wind, of wind is actually possible at such ridiculously slow speed
  13. King Billy

    Red Nose Day

    A masterly retort from one so obviously brain dead. As they say in the minimalist circles you obviously feel more comfortable frequenting “Less is more” Less shite more sense would be a starting point possibly.
  14. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Would you like another paw Mr Trump ? Yes please Mr Rocket man
  15. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    If the cunt had just waited till all the fans had safely gone home and then blown up himself and Ariana Grande he would’ve been remembered as a hero. Now we still have to listen her shite on the radio every day
  16. I do hope the poor fool has got over his uncontrollable need to report people. I do believe that underneath those multiple layers of cunt hide there may be a brain damaged spastic trying to get out and plead for help like a turkey running down the A47 on Christmas Eve
  17. My first wife giving birth was infinitely worse to observe. It’s one of the reasons I don’t talk to women anymore. A frightening spectacle I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. (Wizardsleeve)
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