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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    The French

    No one can ever drive a wedge between us now I think I may be falling for you 😍
  2. King Billy

    The French

    I was just about to 🙏
  3. King Billy

    The French

    That’s why I’ve stayed away for a few days. All got a bit radio rental the other night. My fault for acting the cunt and attacking every cunt who had a go. Live and learn as thy say
  4. King Billy

    The French

    “Newbies” get thrown in the deep end on here, no fucking about
  5. King Billy

    The French

    Festering in a sewage pipe with your tongue rammed up your own arsehole might make one question whether one had maybe set the bar at the correct height ?
  6. King Billy

    The French

    So glad to hear he is ok
  7. King Billy

    The French

    They say your moneys safe in Fort Knox Kentucky, but it’s safer in the pocket of your pants.
  8. King Billy

    The French

    Most of our much needed asylum seekers come across the channel, also our inflatable dinghy industry depends on keeping France on side even though they are are undoubtedly a nation of cheese eating surrender monkeys and eurocunts
  9. King Billy

    The French

    And then shot him?
  10. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Don’t they blow up quickly nowadays?
  11. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Don’t ever give up on your dreams no matter how crap they are
  12. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Eric’s got a spare bed. She might return to normality in his boy cave with the my little pony curtains and they could play Pokemon on his Nintendo 64. One day with him and she would be strapping on her belt made from Eric’s empty froot shoot cartons and jumping out the window to get away from the annoying “little” weasel that Wizz has made him into
  13. You’re still waiting for Wizzy to explode in your gaping dung hole and ask you to marry him. You silly silly little boy
  14. Shall I go back under my bridge then and wait to explode Master?
  15. Eric spoiled 5 application forms for The Jeremy Kyle show. He would have failed the lie detector anyway and he doesn’t have any dna apart from all the semen in his arse and the Wizz’s saliva on his neck when he s bent over taking it like the “little bitch” that he undoubtedly is
  16. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    So you can giggle like a fucking little girl
  17. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    I’ve always suspect Da Vinci was just a fair to middling copy artist
  18. Gone very quiet. I guess it must be pot noodle time down at ‘Fuckwit Fields’ the retirement home for homosexual retards
  19. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    I knew we would become close friends one day. Thanks pal But seriously though fuck off and die painfully and slowly cunt
  20. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    She does look great
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