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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I find that plush velvet is a cunt to keep clean. The missus reckons old school vinyl is making a comeback. Anyway what happened to MKs 2 to 10?
  2. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    What do they mean 2 1/2 years and still no deal? Do these fucking people know nothing? “Hundred Years War” what’s the fucking hurry ? Brexit calendar please. We’ll be in touch around the turn of the century. Now Fuck off and leave us alone or we’re not rescuing you in the next world war. Ungrateful Cunts
  3. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Dr. Crippen and his jolly assistant Nurse Aylitt
  4. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    My aunt was a bit of a goer though. Apparently she would go all weak at the knees at the sight of a man in uniform. She once fell over walking past Greggs
  5. With go faster stripes rear spoiler and vinyl roof
  6. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    My cousin started on the triangle and worked his way up through the ranks to the tambourine
  7. The deluxe version has a bottle opener on the side and a detachable glutton size picnic hamper. Who could have guessed such technology would ever exist in our lifetime. Whatever next?
  8. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Unfortunately our security forces are fully stretched on the threat posed by the Salvation Army. Apparently they are searching for the Salvation Air Force and the Salvation Navy and the other 3 are away on a transgender awareness course. So it looks like we’re fucked
  9. Aw so cute He’s still not sure which brand he prefers. Fussy little cunt
  10. It’s on straight after ‘The Great Isis Bake Off’ presented by Paul Bollywood and Marry me (I’m only 14 Berry) and followed by ‘Who wants to win a suicide vest’
  11. I realise that’s the case but I felt that someone could read it and mistakenly think the tiny snail eating cunt had only ever had one fist up his derriere. There was no criticisism intended of your fine observation of the despicable petit eurocunt.
  12. Everything you’ve said there, I could not disagree with in any way, except one small point, which judging by the indisputable factual accuracy of the rest of your post I can only think must be a small but easily made and totally forgivable mistake. That fucking 1.4 metres tall CUNT has had more fists up his Kwik fit fitter than Orville, Emu and Lord Charles combined. Check out the way he walks, like Charlie Chaplin slipping away from Boy Georges Birthday party. ‘Do you really want to hurt me ? Do you really want to make me bleed?
  13. Wouldn’t want that cunt sitting on my face on live tv
  14. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    In a ‘peaceful’ way though
  15. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    There is a growing suspicion as to whether there ever was a baby. When she was being interviewed the so called baby was under wraps. No one has actually seen it. I don’t know but it wouldn’t be a surprise to find out that the whole baby story was just a lie to try to gain sympathy and help her to come back to the UK
  16. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    That must be their first victory. Things don’t seem to be going so well for their plans to take over the world. Bunch of cunts. The sooner they are obliterated from history the better.
  17. King Billy

    The French

    No worries 👍🏼
  18. King Billy

    The French

    I’m not like that
  19. Remember when he hung the baby from the balcony? Normally he tossed them off
  20. King Billy

    The French

    Lord Lucan anyone?
  21. King Billy

    The French

    Get a receipt just in case
  22. King Billy

    The French

    What is the obsession with who I am? I am a new member. I don’t know who Stickers is?
  23. King Billy

    The French

    I don’t know about all these people you think I am Eric. I’ve never been on any site before and I’m still figuring out the way to crack on here, but I ain’t losing the plot no more.
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