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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Yeah but when we, sorry if we, are allowed to leave the eu we won’t be able to buy bulbs cause all the shops will be closed down and there won’t be any electric because the frogs own all the energy companies and the channel tunnel will be closed apparently, unless we give the garlicky cunts all the money we have left and our only imported product will be asylum seeking 45 year old children. But still better than having to listen to all these fucking cowardly treasonous cunts we call MPs right now.
  2. King Billy

    Porn Passes.

    I’ve got one of those videos on Betamax. Sexy girls with beards go wild in khazakstan 2
  3. An early Michael Jackson video ?
  4. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Vote for me Boris is a cunt. Honest
  5. Diana Rigg as Emma Peel in the Avengers Mmmm Yes please.
  6. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    That’s really strange cos an Ethiopian Airlines plane landed 3 hours ahead of schedule in a field, another easy mistake to make
  7. Or the Jehovas Bystanders, They don’t really want to get involved.
  8. At least she didn’t end up face down in the river with some cunt pulling her onboard with a magnet. Just depends on the mood of the pigs I suppose. So Ms Baloney should maybe be thankful and just fuck off back to potato land.
  9. I hope you meant ‘nazi cunt’ with regard to the Soubry creature, anyway as far as the diddycoys are concerned it is completely and utterly our own fault that these poor victimised minority have all of a sudden become the victims of great injustice. One thing they are not is stupid and when they spot weakness, as in the cuntish libtard fuckwits who govern this land, you can bet your arse that they will jump all over it. So really we have no one to blame but ourselves. Having said that, They are still a bunch of theiving uneducated primitive inbred retard cunts, and that’s their good points.
  10. Or keep you talking while their accomplices crept in the back door and ransacked your house.
  11. The police can arrest someone at their home for either a summary or an indictable offence, the only difference being the seriousness of the crime, the max sentence and the court in which it can be dealt with. A warrant is not needed to arrest a suspect for questioning for either type of offence. The filth have clearly created an unnecessary situation here by going in very heavy handedly, when as stated the situation could have been handled better but would anyone expect anything else from them. One other thing I was puzzled by was, These ‘travellers’ live in a 2 storey house. How long do you have to live in a house before you cease to be a traveller? with all the ethnic minority and cultural rights that nowadays go with this excuse to seemingly do anything and behave anyway that they like.
  12. Like Alastair Campbell having one of his funny turns before the men in white coats come for him.
  13. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    The ‘Son of Sam’ serial killers name is David Berkowitz. This cunt John has tarnished the families good name. When David is released, he can hopefully, chop the troll faced little cunt into many thousands of pieces. Orduuur!!!!
  14. It’s a long shot but could the filth have thrown him in ? I’ve never heard of them doing anything untoward in the past. As long as their pocket books are all telling the same story, word for word, then that theory can be discounted. That’s all we need, a police force that can’t be trusted by the public.
  15. Picking a mars bar out of the deep fat fryer?
  16. If Brexit doesn’t happen I’m off to Zimbabwe mate, as our version of democracy will have hit rock bottom so why not? Wanna come with me?
  17. He’s a cunt. That’s all I need to know.
  18. He was deputy prime minister from 97 till 07 purely as the token old labour minister who basically sold out and took the pieces of silver and gave it all the old school trade union shit without actually doing anything important. Even David Blunkett would have been able to see through the the fat hypocritical cunt.
  19. Don’t you mean ‘Lord Prescott of Hull’ the proper labour socialist who never shut the fuck up about the unelected Lords while an MP and then suddenly saw the light and accepted a life peerage in one of King Tonys death throes in 2010, explaining that he would be more effective in destroying the Lords from within, something which he appears to have forgotten to do, just as he forgot to mention to his missus that he was shagging his secretary. Working class hero? Fat windbag cunt more like.
  20. The 72 virgins would be a problem for the tar mac brigade. But they’d probably blow themselves up more than the camel fuckers.Assembling a bomb after 25 pints with tarmac encrusted giant hands isn’t a great idea
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