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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    I bet Mrs Merkel peels off lovely. Like a Teutonic Ann Widdecombe. Phwoaaar!!!! Varadkar must be slipping her one, the jammy cunt.
  2. King Billy

    Mary Lou

    Don’t worry, Billy won’t hurt you⛏
  3. King Billy

    Mary Lou

    They should put the Salvation Army back out on the streets. Tambourine Regiment or Special Triangle Squadron. Why is there no Salvation Air Force or Navy?
  4. King Billy

    Mary Lou

    I’d put at least 10 johnnies on my head before kissing the cunts ring. That’s for sure
  5. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Can you make out the rear badge on that poster on your bedroom wall?. You must have the top bunk. Your big brother must reek of piss every morning.
  6. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Yeh that’s right mate I had a R33 ten years ago. You’ve probably got half of it now, pop riveted to half a Mk. 3 Escort 1.3
  7. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    The Catholic Herald?
  8. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    How do you find the 1982 Datsun Bluebird.? I bet all the other drivers on your office are well jell Abdul
  9. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Did your uncle win them on Bullseye?
  10. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Is that a massive ferret down the front of your corduroy pants or are you just pleased to see me?
  11. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Eyy upp lad it’s a giant licorice allsort.
  12. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    He’s definitely a cab driver in one of those shitholes. He obviously lives in another place in case he gets recognised by parents or social workers of the poor helpless individuals him and his gang help out with free booze and fags etc etc etc
  13. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Tomorrow’s school lunch for the bairns
  14. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    The final solution
  15. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Not sure, but if you have a drive around Bradford, Rochdale,Rotherham,Skipton, Leeds, Keighley or just pull back the corrugated iron and look out your window you should get a pretty good update Abdul. Sorry to hear about your impending death. (Sorry it’s taking so long)
  16. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    My uncle married a girl from Leeds when I was a kid and moved up there. My mum told everyone he had been killed in a car crash
  17. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    If I was a rich man $$$$€€€
  18. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    It’s not really an extension though. 100 years ago down south they were all the rage for the nouveau riche. Outside toilets I believe they came to be known as.
  19. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Silicone Valley Keighley. You won’t find a cheaper pair of secondhand tits this side of Watford Gap
  20. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    At the 5 star Hindleys luxury campsite on Ilkley Moor
  21. I fucked a cheeky girl and got 18 months for breaking her jaw
  22. The paddies. They’ve got previous for that sort of thing
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