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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You’ve spelled ‘Yes please’ wrong. Fuck off.
  2. Punkape’s banned and Frank’s wanked himself into a state of exhaustion watching the Ronnie O’Sullivan documentary, so you may have to slip a couple of E’s in the missus’s Horlicks pronto Decs.
  3. Or a sausage dog lolol.
  4. What are your plans for Christmas? The usual I guess. Turkey and all the trimmings, sat around the table with all the family ……2 rusty urns and a card (purportedly from California) but with no stamp or senders address on the envelope, and handwriting suspiciously similar to your own. Lol lol lol.
  5. Jeremy Corbyn discussing Britain’s planned Marxist takeover with Fidel Castro in 1992. The full photo shows Diane Abbot on her knees with her mouth full.of commie maggot.
  6. I guess it’s ‘Bye bye Baby’ from me then.
  7. The only thing that’s ever fitted Frank perfectly was exactly 14” long (including 3” of purple tip). I don’t think it’s necessary to elaborate on the colour of the other 11”. Let’s just say it wasn’t white.
  8. I had you down as more of a Bay City Rollers type.
  9. You could have a three foot long pecker too…….. if you chopped around twenty feet off your own behemoth. 🤣
  10. Top of the leaderboard again Baws. Damn you and your memes. It’s just not fair.
  11. They’d probably go ‘pop’ if they did.
  12. I don’t read any of that online stuff as I’ve heard most of it is posted by ‘conspiracy theorists ‘ (whatever that means). All my thoughts and opinions on all the important current topics are only ever made public after I’ve double checked with my colleague ‘Sid Slackjaw’ that they are 100% ‘bona fide’, and guaranteed to keep The Vulcan up, frantically googling all night determined to debunk them. I’ve tried to keep out of your ongoing civil war with certain members generally, so please excuse the occasional comment from me as Im quite content to merely be a spectator on these ongoing shenanigans.
  13. Drew could fix if he hadn’t lost his terminal screwdriver when he was pissed.
  14. Probably got shit on his fingers after a busy day collecting in the park.
  15. Is anyone other than me wondering how long the centre of London will be allowed to be taken over on a daily basis by tens of thousands of anti-British, virtue signalling, leftard cunts climbing all over our war memorials, screaming vile abuse and hatred at anyone and everything British, while our ‘brave boys in blue’ stand motionless watching them (no doubt on full alert for any sign of ‘far right counter protesters’ to launch an attack on)? This country is in the final stages of total fucking collapse and imminent surrender to the radical left, while the totally unaware and totally brainwashed masses are sat at home on their fat white arses, glued to Strictly Come Mincing, Farage stuffing his cakehole full of cockroaches for a million quid cheque, then the BBC fake news’s latest smorgasbord of lies before bed. And all the clever cunts will wake up tomorrow and gorge themselves on whatever distraction that’s served up for them on GMB or Sky News etc. to keep their massive intellects ticking over for the next 24 hours. Fuck off.
  16. The winner of this years GQ magazine ‘MAN of the year’ was announced last week and apparently some ‘bigots’, ‘racists’, ‘misogynists’ and other assorted ‘haters’ openly questioned how this could be? Kanye West has not responded as to whether this now makes him a homosexual or not?
  17. Careful now Baws. You were warned about your use of memes and Gifs just the other day weren’t you?
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