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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Good. You won’t be missed.
  2. The next witness for the prosecution is Mr Frank Kleftiko.
  3. Shelagh Fogarty. One of the ugliest and most repulsive leftards ever imo.
  4. ‘Ejaculate! Ejaculate!’.
  5. It has just recently been reported that Davros (the head Dalek) will no longer be portrayed as he has always previously been ie a hideous little creature on wheels. He will henceforth be an upright able bodied fictional villain incase the disabled community take offence and feel triggered. ’Yea I know. I want me things back’.
  6. Out of likes (probably just as well as I wouldn’t want to be accused of having my head shoved up your arse as usual).
  7. ‘I was so drunk that I thought it was the ghost of Quentin Crisp, and it would go away if I just closed my eyes and put my foot down Your Honour. I’ll try my best to be much more careful in future when I’m driving home pissed out of my head’.
  8. I hate speed. My new gnashers cost me far too much to risk grinding them all down to stumps overnight. Can I get fucked up on coke instead and join you guys?
  9. Hope you cleaned up the mess before your mum saw it.
  10. Of course Raas. I often drive my imaginary M4 home from the battle cruiser at 2AM at 155 MPH, after twenty pints and fifteen double JDs, wearing sunglasses and without switching the headlights on.while munching a bright orange carrot.
  11. Taking care not to damage any of the German U boats which are being refuelled while their crews are ashore riding the arses off all the local women.
  12. Translation…. ‘I’m a dribbling spastic and my mum pays for me to be picked up every morning by the big yellow bus. I sit next to Harvey and we lick the windows all the way to spacker school.’ Lol
  13. Ireland is in a worse state than the U.K. Stubbers. Their population has increased by 20% in the last ten years and 40% in the last 25 years due to the open border immigration policy of their uniparty government. They are now waking up to the ‘multiculturalism/diversity is our strength’ scam that’s been played on us and every other western nation for decades. The ridiculousness and blatant gaslighting of the Irish protestors as ‘far right thugs’ shows that they (the ruling class) are terrified now that working class Paddies are waking up to their years of deception and treachery. Ireland has no ‘far right’ that you couldn’t count on two hands (if anyone could count to ten in Spudland) lol. You couldn’t find a more socialist leaning country in Europe, probably not in the Western world. It’s only the MSM fake news that keep these lizard cunts in power. And they know it because Leo the bumrider in chiefs first reaction was to announce that new legislation will be fast tracked to counter this dangerous surge in far right hate. I despair Stubbs. I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be rooting for the bogtrotters very existence. Martin McGuiness was a cunt and Gerry Addams brother liked to fuck young boys in the arse.
  14. He sounds like a bloody good bloke to me Raas. An absolute tragedy tbh as it looks like he’ll be fucking pushing up the daisies any day soon, the lazy cunt. I’ve found that if he’s married it’s best to give the grieving widow a bit of space to come to terms with her loss (at least 24 hours but no more than 48) then call round with some flowers from the petrol station and a four pack of Red Stripe and give her a heartfelt consoling hug, a couple of minutes of reminiscing about what a great husband to her and friend to you he was, followed by a damn good seeing to up the wrongun while she’s still in shock due to her sudden loss. If she starts calling you ‘her rock’ or any of that bollocks just block her on your phone until after the funeral.
  15. Do you think it might be a good idea to spend less time sucking cock in the gents at the Admiral Duncan on your weekly ‘boys night out’ with Frank? Just asking.
  16. She/he/it won’t be spending much time with its sisters either unless it trips over it’s huge cock and drops one of the urns on the carpet, then has to get the dustpan and brush out to sweep her up and chuck her in the ashtray.
  17. The major cities in England are already inhabited by a majority of non indigenous people.The absolute and ultimate humiliation of the British people that London, the capital city, with a racist anti-white Pakistani Mayor now has an ever decreasing minority of ethnic white Anglo Saxon citizens who’ve been leaving en masse for decades due to the mass immigration policies of successive uniparty Tory and Labour governments who worship at the altar of globalism and have nothing but utter contempt for Great Britain, and more specifically the millions of gormless electors who they all regard as contemptible serfs, fit only to be bled dry to finance their endless grandiose and virtuous smoke and mirror distractions, which any cunt with a brain even the size of Dianne Abbots fucking frozen pea should see as the obvious frauds they all inevitably turn out to be. Enoch Powell was probably the last honest British MP ever, and look how he’s regarded nowadays by the stinking vermin in the MSM media, the political classes and the Islington dinner party elite who are constantly dreaming up new ways to abuse the unwashed masses, then as soon as the cheeseboard has been passed around, getting down to business and ramming their cocks into anyone and everything within spunking distance. . Absolute fucking scum and they’re laughing at us because we fucking let them.
  18. Do you have any plans for your (hopefully very soon) funeral? Will it be a full ceremonial BR send off? And will your only surviving sister be travelling from California to attend? Fuck off.
  19. Send him a big fresh steaming log in a Jiffy bag, and he can eat it later while he’s sifting through todays haul of canine treasure Stubbers.
  20. Isn’t it bizarre how BLM riots with a backdrop of blazing shops and police stations were routinely reported as ‘FIERY BUT MOSTLY PEACEFUL’ but the minor disturbances in Dublin the other night were universally reported as ‘FAR RIGHT RIOTERS ATTACK POLICE AND SET CITY CENTRE ALIGHT’? George Floyd was a cunt.
  21. Have a look on YouTube for a video called Air Afrikaans. Only five or six minutes but I found it funny.
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