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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You appear to be taking the everyday banter here on CC a tad too seriously. None of it is real. Seek help.
  2. The ‘Derek Chauvin 90’ bent right knee’ position on the stunted little cunts throat would be my choice (other positions are available though).
  3. My Grandad invented the windowsill. What a ledge.
  4. Dead babies are nowhere near as funny as dead sisters. Lol .
  5. She’s no Cliff Richard for sure.
  6. More like Ronnie Corbett in a pair of tight replica Kylie Minogue hot pants from Wembley market.
  7. Richard and Judy have been boring the arses of the public running some sort of book club for years now. If you could get close enough to Judy and place a few fire lighters in the fat cunts bra I’m sure the resulting inferno once the fat cunts lardy tits get going would make the Luton airport carpark fire look like a damp sparkler hanging out of Franks arse on a rainy night at a Pet Shop Boys concert.
  8. Cadfael, the 13th century Terminator.
  9. If you find him grab me a couple of Sausage rolls and a steak bake Eric. Then tell him to fuck right off.
  10. Thank fuck for the BBC and Sky News or we wouldn’t have known it was coming. Fuck off.
  11. I agree. All those dodgy black and white photos of Victorian children ice skating on the frozen Thames need to be fact-checked imo. Where the fuck is The Vulcan when we need her?
  12. It’s the rules. Nothing to do with me, ELC makes them up.
  13. 🎶What do you mean?🎶 A quick look at Sheeran’s back catalogue should answer your question. No need to thank me or apologise.this time.
  14. Lack of any noticeable sign of intelligence or basic hygiene is probably a good indicator.
  15. For your information Panzy my mother was N Korean and my old man was half Eskimo and half Botswanan pigmy, but they were heartily welcomed and accepted into the community on the Shankhill Rd. once they joined the Presbyterian congregation, and swore on the Bible that they hated fenians (even though they’d never met one and couldn’t speak a word of what passed as English in Belfast at the time).
  16. So has its dole queue coincidentally.
  17. Fear ye not PanzyBaby. Your very own dusky ‘Bumrider General’ Leo is on a mission to silence every last one of you within weeks, with the most draconian ‘hate speech’ legislation ever seen in a so called ‘democratic’ Western country. So you be very careful what you say from now on or you’ll end up in the Big House. 🤣. Tbf the vermin in authority up North are no fucking better as the PSNI are as we speak investigating a heinous incident which they’ve described as a ‘hate crime’ in Belfast. Some vile individual sprayed a wall with the disgusting message ‘IRISH LIVES MATTER’ which has triggered a mass outrage amongst the mainly nationalist media. Clown world 101.
  18. There’s no such thing as a silent Mick. Cunts never stfu.
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