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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Tbh Raas I rarely go into London nowadays as the state of the fucking place and its current inhabitants tends to bring out the fucking worst in me for obvious reasons. I used to live in Little Venice and it was a great place to live about 30 years ago. Westbourne Terrace Rd. right by the canal basin and 10 mins from the West End. But tbh I still talk to a couple of old friends who still live there and they tell me that they don’t feel safe going out at night anymore and that car crime, burglary, muggings etc. are through the roof compared to when I lived there. Fucking disgrace and no one in power gives a flying fuck, probably because they want the nice parts of London destroyed and all the decent people to leave. Khan is a cunt.
  2. DC I’ve been very busy flogging dead trees for the last couple of weeks and haven’t had a chance to keep up with the footie, so I was wondering how the Reds and the Blues are getting on at the moment? I assume The Toffees are smashing it at the top of the table and The Reds are probably propping everyone else up, down at 17th or thereabouts as usual.
  3. You’ve spelled Rasputin wrong.
  4. The original Mangal in Arcola St. was the first ocakbasi gaff in N London and it’s still the best imo. My snooker club on Dalston Jct. was just across the road from it and I used to eat there or have the greasy Turkish cunts send the food over almost every day. The only thing I didn’t like was having to pretend to like the cunts.
  5. ‘Brown girl in the ring’. A Toxteth favourite.
  6. I told you it would look ‘the bollocks’ in your ‘yard’. I bet all the other inmates were fucking impressed when they came out for their exercise today.
  7. Fuck off DC. You’ve got one of the finest ‘non drop’ Nordmann Spruce trees that money can buy, which is probably not the best description of it as Mrs Cnut didn’t fucking pay me a dollar for it. And your slanderous inference that I may have engaged with the lovely Karen Cnut in a bit of festive fanny fumbling is absolutely preposterous.I will swear on the Koran or even this months edition of ‘Readers Grannies’ that nothing of a carnal nature occurred, despite her repeated attempts to lure me into her sick depraved fantasy. And to make matters worse when I got outside the fucking stereo and alloy wheels were gone from my imaginary M4. Fuck off.
  8. 🎶What do you mean?🎶
  9. My imaginary M4 was seized last week for unpaid parking fines Ed. I’ve been getting about on an old Yamaha FS1E which I’ve had stored in the shed since the early 80s that I was going to restore some day. It’s still got its original L-Plates so I should be OK. Withers however is a fucking disgrace tbh. No-one would blame you if you smashed his daft face to a pulp.
  10. How many one off outrageous, fully working and rideable motorcycles have you made from classic 1970’s and 80’s Kawasaki two stroke triple and four stroke four cylinder bikes in your shed at the bottom of your garden, many of which are displayed in motorcycle museums across the world or have been sold for a ridiculous price to collectors? Just asking.
  11. Haven’t heard of Allen Millard, but that other mate of his Allen Millyard is definitely a mechanical genius I reckon.
  12. As you’ve correctly stated Ape, you and I haven’t engaged in much verbal ping pong for quite a while now. In response to your query regarding the current abundance of aluminium (not tin) foil on sale at most retail outlets, I’ve no pressing need or even the slightest inclination to avail myself of such material. Reason being that everything that I’ve tried to educate you and the rest of the gullible fear addicts about (conspiracy theories I believe you labelled it all as) has turned out to be true. So I wouldn’t expect you to belatedly apologise, never mind thank me for my past efforts to wake you from your state of obedience to the now discredited narrative you so willingly and unquestioningly agreed to be taken in by. I’m sure you now agree with everything I’ve said, so in the spirit of Christmas and all that bollocks I’ve ordered a case of Tesco value beans and a selection of Airfix propellor paints online today as a surprise Crimbo pressie from me to you. PM me your address and they should be with you early next week. What are you doing for Christmas? Is Drew coming over for dinner this year? Fuck off. lol.
  13. I agree Raas. I mean he’s got nothing more to prove here after reaching No.4 on the weekly leaderboard all those years ago.
  14. I can’t comment on the authenticity of these allegations apart from the one mentioning myself, which is about as far fetched as a bucket of shit from China. Just out of curiosity, what is the going rate for a bucket of Chinese Pug shit nowadays? Get fucked.
  15. Weekly leader board DC. Any run of the mill cunt can get lucky when the big fish are otherwise pre-occupied, (usually on a massive binge, then temporarily sectioned under the mental health act for the safety of the general public).
  16. I’m sure there is but it’s really not necessary to say it probably.
  17. Have you considered one of those frozen ‘3 bird roasts’ for Christmas dinner this year? Or would that remind you too much of the last time you were with your sisters? (before they trundled off on the rollers into the oven). Fuck off.
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