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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. This really makes me regret not spending £50 on a wheelchair ramp at my brasshouse. I’d be driving an imaginary Bugatti Veyron today if I’d gone for the Uber-rich dribbling spastic clientele.
  2. Wanna buy some Grizzly Bear shit for your display cabinet?
  3. If my real name wasn’t Stephen Yaxley-Lennon I’d throw in a few quid myself Eric. That’s confidential information and only between me and you though.
  4. No. I’m having a surprise party with your imaginary dead sisters. They don’t want to speak to you though. Try calling Munroe Bergdorf or Kelly Maloney if you’re feeling lonely you hideous freak. 😘
  5. Congratulations. I bet no one thought you would ever reach such dizzy heights from such a low starting point.
  6. King Billy

    Baroness Mone

    Flog your 14” black and white portable at the car boot sale and you’ll probably have enough money to buy both of them a couple of weeks after Christmas.
  7. As you’re no doubt well aware Decs I’m probably the least likely cunt on here to have any sympathetic inclinations toward the Irish Republic in general, but even more specifically the so called ‘rebels or freedom fighters’ as they’re routinely referred to nowadays in the folklore created by rose tinted Hollywood film productions, BBC anti British dramas and all the rest of the rewriting of recent history that is the norm in the 21st century. However, I’ve found myself unable to halt a total change in my long held disdain for the common Mick, and tbh I’m every day becoming more and more filled with respect and admiration for the Irish working class who are waking up to (and rising up) against their political masters (including Sinn Fein ironically) who’ve allowed uncontrolled legal immigration and worse than that illegal ‘asylum’ migration on an unimaginable scale. The white Irish working class who put their trust in the likes of Leo the poof etc. and are now being vilified as ‘far right thugs’ lolololol because they dare to question the current reality where children are being butchered in broad daylight, schoolgirls are being systematically raped, lone females abducted and murdered, and law abiding homosexuals (no not Catholic priests) tortured and beheaded by uninvited, undocumented ‘guests’. The mass protests which receive little or no MSM coverage apart from the occasional orchestrated hit piece to paint them as Neo Nazis etc. are taking place all over Ireland and getting bigger every week. Hopefully the people in England will grow some bollocks soon and make a stand against the same shit that’s going on here, but I’m not sure the mythical British Bulldog is still alive tbh.
  8. King Billy

    Baroness Mone

    1944. He was performing on stage at his local Gestapo officers Christmas party
  9. If that’s the way you’re going to talk to me I won’t be coming to Christmas dinner at yours this year. I wasn’t coming anyway as last year the Iceland Hedgehog Crown you served up was like an Arctic Roll (burnt to a crisp on the outside and frozen solid in the middle). Worse than something you’d find in a dumped fridge at the back of Grenfell Tower. Merry Christmas and 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧
  10. King Billy

    Baroness Mone

    She is Scottish though. Laura Cuntybawsberg? No that’s just me thinking all mental again (probably).
  11. My next nom will be longer Gypps, probably akin to War and Peace or the entire printed series’ of The Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Hopefully there’ll be something buried deep in it that you might think possibly worthy of a like. It’s Christmas ffs.
  12. As a proud ‘conspiracy theorist’ I’ve observed the increase over the last few years in people who’ve been ‘prepping’ for some unspecific but imminent emergency or disaster, by constructing secure bunkers and stocking them with provisions in the hope of sitting out whatever existential threat they believe is about to occur. These people are routinely ridiculed and vilified as far right nutters, anti vaxxers, climate change deniers etc. (badge of honour imo) by the MSM, who day after day spout the current dishonest narrative scripted for them by their globalist paymasters, who’ve mapped out the future ie perpetual fear, poverty caused by the forced abandonment of our natural resources (oil and gas) with all their unprecedented benefits, that have vastly increased the living standards and life expectancy of billions of people across the world in the last 200 years or less. So why the fuck would Mark Zuckerberg (lizard person extraordinaire) suddenly decide to become a bunker building tinfoil hat weirdo right now? Why is this vile fucking cunt splashing out $270m to build a 100 acre beachfront mansion on the Hawaiian island of Kauai with a 5000 square ft. underground bunker, with its own power, water and air supply (and escape hatch?) when sea levels are allegedly rising due to man made climate change (bullshit)? Or could it be that these nonhuman reptilian cunts like him, Billyboy Gates, Barrack Hussein Obama and his husband Michael etc. now see the writing on the wall and realise that their days living the pampered highlife, giving each other their funny handshakes, fucking then murdering kids for dessert at their exclusive dinner parties over at the Clintons (allegedly), and sneering down their hooked beaks at all us serfs are numbered, and we’re coming for their cock battered arseholes anyday now, and they just might be able to cling on to a few more days or even weeks of their miserable lives underground, drinking prepubescent blood and injecting fresh adrenochrome before the doors are battered in and they finally face the wrath and fury of the masses who made them richer than they could ever imagine, but been treated with nothing but contempt as a thank you.
  13. Soon? Immediately wouldn’t be too fucking soon (except for his decomposing sisters who’s Christmas would be absolutely ruined by seeing the vile old cunt again).
  14. Have you been spying on me? It’s been a long time since I lived in Little Venice so how could you know my every movement as you’ve just described? Are you the Rigsby looking bloke with the binoculars and the mail order trousers who used to stand on the canal bridge by the theatre cafe all night every night?
  15. 🎶Last Christmas you laid me an egg🎶 🎶But the filthy fucking thing was covered in smeg🎶 🎶This year to prove I’m not queer🎶 🎶etc. etc. etc.🎶
  16. Are you OK Withers? What the fuck has happened to you recently? I’m going to pray for you over Christmas mon ami. In the meantime get fucked.
  17. Soak yourself in petrol and go to bed with your electric blanket on.
  18. Are you calling me a cunt?
  19. She certainly looks a lot younger than her 84 years DC. I wouldn’t have had her down as a day over 75 mate, especially after she’d flashed her obviously well maintained growler at me a couple of times. You’re a very lucky man to have her. It’s none of my business to offer advice to a man of the world such as yourself but I will anyway as I consider you to be an OK sort of bloke who could one day be a friend (of sorts). My advice to you if you want to keep her is ‘Watch out Rooney’s about’.
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