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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Quality Ed. You’re the best (black man) on here.
  2. One can only pray that Queen Camilla didn’t permanently damage the Royal ‘diamond encrusted strap on’ when she first collided with poor old ‘sausage fingers’ acutely swollen, shit covered, internal donut.
  3. Just like he left NATO when he was President? The fact is that he pointed out to the NATO members in his own unique manner that the US was done with funding the shortfall of several European countries to the NATO budget that they had been blatantly doing, in breach of their treaty obligations for decades. And guess what? They suddenly started paying up.
  4. Frank’s broken many a pair in. Jedward would probably be able to confirm that if push came to shove.
  5. A better idea would be for the U.K. to get rid of the vast majority of its woke WEF/UN owned globalist, puppet politicians, and bought and paid for talking head MSM schills. The U.K. is on a rapid descent into international irrelevance and it will not be long before we are unable to reverse that decline. The ruling class who think they have the divine right to fucking destroy the culture, history and more importantly the future of this country need to be lynched on the nearest lamp post and reviled forever for the damage they’ve knowingly done in the last 40 years or so. Scum and they should be held to account for their self serving treachery.
  6. PM if you want me to get rid of his corpse Raas. No charge Blaad, maybe just a bottle of Wray and Nephews overproof as a token of good will.
  7. Considering Ronnie’s professional record against Carter is now 18 wins and 1 loss, the fact that you said you hoped seems pretty apt.
  8. Diplomacy and kowtowing to tyrants has never ended well throughout history. Strength not weakness, is and always has been the best and most effective way to retain a position of power over your enemies. Geopolitics rule 101.
  9. Fair point H. We’d be hard pushed right now to recapture the Isle of Man if the EU emboldened spudmunchers launched a surprise invasion, as a stepping stone to avenging the centuries of historical tyranny we inflicted on them (while simultaneously educating, civilising and feeding them) never mind saving most of their eager arseholes from the irreparable damage which the Catholic Church had been telling them was Gods will long before we even got there). By the time Rishi and Grant Schapps had assembled a Thatcheresque task force of RNLI and Border Force vessels (leaving the absolutely genuine ‘refugees’ lol) stranded on the beaches of Northern France, with no guarantee of safety if they made it into international waters (100 metres from the Calais beach). Lord Horatio Nelson would probably leap off his column, quite rightly be demanding his fucking eye back and fucking off to France on the next P and O ferry with Lady Hamilton in tow if he saw what’s become of what used to be the Royal Navy he made into the most feared fighting force on the planet a little more than a couple of centuries ago.
  10. ‘You’re fired!’ 🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷
  11. Definitely not cocaine related then.
  12. I’m on the edge of my Parker Knoll recliner.
  13. Frank usually lets his rent boys keep the change from a pound coin. You must have been a bit too white for his tastes.
  14. There’s no fucking way Stephen Hawking could have ever perved it up in my brass-house, like he allegedly did on the island (no wheelchair ramp) ‘Fucking cripple’…. Mark ‘Chopper’ Read. c.1990.
  15. I’m ahead of the curve Doc (as usual). Word on the Shankhill Rd. is that an AI cyborg calling himself Imam Ian al Paisley, with realistic Islamic beard, sandals and a six year old wife will be turning up anyday soon to announce the immediate end of the ‘fire and brimstone’ era and the introduction of ‘Sharia law’ to set the oppressed bible thumping Protestants free.at last. The Loyalist Club in Rumfort St. has already applied for planning permission to be remodelled in the style of The Kaaba. The Shankhill Butchers will be spinning in their graves if they’re looking down (or up depending which foot one happens to kick with). 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧 ALLAH AKBAR LOL
  16. 🎶And it’s on 9/11 I like to wear the burka my mother wore🎶
  17. A fair point, but as far as I know there’s still no actual video evidence of Stephen Hawking ever losing a game of pool on Epstein Island. Swings and roundabouts.
  18. They’ll get nothing from me if they do Doc. I’ve converted to Islam over the New year and can’t wait for the 72 virgins and permanent boner when I pop my clogs (sorry sandals, I’m still not quite up to speed with the flying carpet bollocks) and ‘head off’ (no pun intended) upstairs for eternity.
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