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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Answer the question.
  2. Muslims are far more interested in underage white cunt.
  3. What a shame I won’t be here to welcome her back home, as I’ll probably be chin deep in freezing mud on the front line in Ukraine fighting for Britain against that horrible evil dictator Putin, while some big fucking square jawed Ukranian deserter is giving my missus a massive Slavic portion every night, and posting TikTok videos of himself cruising around London, wearing my clobber in my imaginary M4.
  4. Have you prepared for the next plandemic ‘Disease X’ Ape? It doesn’t actually exist yet but the WHO, the WEF and even Tony Blair (who’d never lie) have assured us that it’s a certainty, and promised to let us stupid sheep know immediately it arrives (when the CCP release it), how many masks to wear, how long to stay under the bed for (to keep granny alive again) pending the worldwide rollout of Bill Gates’s latest ‘safe and effective’ experimental miracle jab which will have have been tested on at least 8 or 10 mice (if there’s still any unraped mice left alive on ‘Vaccine Island’, (formerly known as ‘Epstein Island’). What a time to be alive (not for long probably).
  5. Make sure all the severed heads are placed in the correct wheelie bin or you’ll be in fucking trouble with the council.
  6. Given a choice I’d rather pretend to make slow passionate love all night long (including rimming it’s vile little puckered ginger dirtbox) with wee Frankie McKrankie than listen to The Vulcan punishing my earhole for a single minute. Does this mean I’m a bit weird?
  7. Or a JCB (a nigger in a digger).
  8. He don’t bother with car insurance, probably because most underwriters won’t cover stolen vehicles.
  9. Never mind locked up, the black cunt was under a deportation order which was never carried out (human rights etc. etc. innit). Just like the five paedo leaders of one of the many Muslim nonce grooming gangs in Rochdale who are all out of jail and nonchalantly walking the streets again, smirking at their victims,and receiving legal aid funds to fight in the courts to stay here. All with the help of the growing army of leftie lawyers who are pocketing vast amounts of money to help these fucking deviant, kid fucking savages.
  10. What is ‘are time’?
  11. He’s a Grade A lying, fraudulent, self aggrandising, snout in the trough cunt Eric, so purely on that basis he’s definitely qualified for the job.
  12. Probably his HIV period, when he was renting out his bony half Greek arse to an endless queue of slobbering, Mackintosh wearing, Steptoe lookalike type old men in Mitch’s leaky, mould infested, council owned lock up garage. Its no wonder really that he remembers those days fondly, considering the fucking downward spiral his miserable life has been on since then. He’s an absolute fucking disgrace, probably the worst on here ever.
  13. I expect we’ll soon be seeing the 21st century version of those posters……OUR NEW WORLD ORDER NEEDS YOU 👆
  14. If I guaranteed you a Ginster’s pastie or even a Pukka pie every day Eric, could I depend on your continuing loyalty as a crucial and highly valued ‘cog in the wheel’ of my vast business empire, rather than a ‘spanner in the works’ lobbing, Pot Noodle loving mercenary?
  15. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 🇱🇷 🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷
  16. ‘The last King of Iceland’.
  17. A bit harsh Gypps. Field Marshall Idi Amin, with all his minor character flaws (cannibalism etc.), was after all the recipient of at least two VCs (albeit self awarded), and in our hour of need he very kindly sent us all those Paki’s and charwallahs that we’ve all come to love so much now.
  18. Why would any young person risk their life in a phoney war which the filthy globalist traitors masquerading as Western world leaders are taking us towards? Why the fuck would any white, male, British patriot give a fuck when they’ve been denigrated, trodden on and blamed for every imagined grievance that the whining fucking layabout lefties could make up for decades? Let’s see how many of the ruling classes offspring would be sent to the fucking meat grinder on the front line? A big fat zero wouldn’t be far from the reality. The vermin in all the major political parties haven’t even tried to hide their contempt for the indigenous population of Britain for at least 30 years and they can go fuck themselves, every last fucking one of them. Imo we should fucking hang them all.
  19. 🎶What’s that coming over the hill. Is it a monster?🎶 Nah. It’s just that fucking twat Panzywanker and his crack (smoking) armoured wheelbarrow division, on a covert mission to root out the foreign invaders and suck their greasy brown cocks. And be very careful running your mouth off. Remember how that’s worked out for you lot in the past.
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