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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Thanks for believing in me. Without your support I’m not sure I’d be able to carry on.
  2. Any cunt who wrings their hands, clutches their pearls, rolls their eyes and claims to not know the root cause of the existential threat to Britain as we’ve always known it, is a fucking liar and a traitor. The Islamic cavemen invasion of the last 30 or 40 years would be a good starting point for any discussion on the subject, but that’s not allowed unless you’re willing to be labelled as a ‘far right’ racist. We need to kick these fucking savages out and hold the cunts to account who’ve facilitated their takeover. If we don’t act now there will come a day very soon when only one person on Earth (Wales) will be able to save the country. I’m not going to say who that person is but we can only pray she’s not too busy saving the world from Covid, ‘disease x’ or whatever our masters have planned for us next, designing hi-tech electronic systems for the auto industry, treating her ‘old man’ to one of the greatest hand jobs ever, or far more likely tbf, sitting up all night furiously fact checking every word of the bollocks that I post on here (in which case it will all be my fault ).
  3. I know Roops does.
  4. 🎶Nice one Cyril. Nice one son. Nice one Cyril. Stick it up my bum🎶
  5. Of course, but tbh that’s yesterdays news. Today we’ve moved on to another example of London’s ‘cultural enrichment’, namely the acid attack, sorry ‘corrosive substance’ attack on a woman and two young children in South London by an Englishman (twice failed but third time lucky asylum seeker) called Abdul Ezedi. Strange how the Met Police appealed to the public for information as to the whereabouts of the culprit, giving no description of him at all until 18 hours after the incident. We are being laughed at by the woke hierarchy running the police, the verminous political class and the corrupted, totally disingenuous MSM who hate anyone that dares to question the deliberate and pre-planned destruction of British culture and the re-writing of a thousand years of British historical achievement which changed the world for the better. WTF has happened to us?
  6. She’s much cleverer than me. I’ve fact checked it.
  7. If that’s the case Neil must be richer than Elon Musk, yet the cunt drives around in a Rascal van with no MOT, tax or brake lights.
  8. Proof that she’s not obsessed with me if it was ever needed. Lol.
  9. Given enough time you might one day understand.
  10. Fucking hell Drew. I was just thinking the other day that you were on the verge of achieving a feat so absolutely unbelievable (even better than repairing your fridge freezer on a Saturday night with just a terminal screwdriver), that even Ape would have had to hold his Airfix cement covered hands up (Uriah Heep style) and ‘humbly’ take back all the criticism he’s hurled at you for years now. Just one more day on the New year resolution wagon, but instead you’ve posted this White Lightning fuelled nonsense when you were on the home straight. The rest of the year should be good fun tbf though.
  11. My thoughts precisely. I knew you’d bite eventually if I kept casting a line out. It’s going to be fun reeling you in again. 🤣
  12. A couple of years ago I saw a 15 minute (approx) clip of (imo) one of the vilest leftie windbags who pollute the U.K. broadcasting airwaves, James O’Brien rambling on in his trademark calm, monotone and almost whispering way about Taylor Swift. A weird and tbh creepy monologue of OTT praise and admiration for the bony arsed, titless, wailing stick insect, quoting numerous hit songs and the titles of several of its previous albums. Even frequently referring to his teenage daughters part in his sudden conversion to the fan club. At the time I thought it was just his way of going public in a roundabout way and confirming as true the old saying ‘you are what you look like’, which wouldn’t be much of a surprise to many people. However it’s now become apparent that this skeletal, talentless cuntess’s meteoric rise to global superstardom has been a carefully orchestrated psyop from the start. The Pentagon psychological operations unit promoted the idea of using her as an ‘asset’ in the war against ‘mis’ and ‘dis’ information to a NATO delegation at a conference in 2019 (coincidentally just prior to the 2020 US election 🤔). Another curious ‘coincidence’ which just happened to occur in 2019 was that George Soros bought her entire music back catalogue from her former record co., which she publicly condemned at the time but then suddenly stopped complaining about and went on a full on endorsement campaign for Pissy pants Joe Biden and Camel toe Harris in 2020. And now the fakestream MSM are pumping out on a daily basis a never ending torrent of stories about her and her current so called ‘boyfriend’ Travis Kelce an NFA player. His team the Kansas City Chiefs play in the Super Bowl next month, probably the biggest annual sporting event in the US yet the main topic of conversation in the fake news MSM is ‘far right conspiracy theories’ about Swift etc. etc. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷
  13. Fuck me is that the time? I’m off to bed in ten minutes.
  14. A video of Andrew at the wheel of an ice cream van, smoking the tyres outside Cheltenham Ladies College and the ensuing high speed Police chase back to Buck House.
  15. Was Miss Adventure ever found and arrested?
  16. His ‘black passage’?
  17. Try ramming a slightly smaller one up there next time if you manage to extract it, and maybe wait till you’ve had the stitches taken out.
  18. I am the rightful King of this land, so that big eared old cunt fucking Sausage Fingers, his horse faced old slag of a fake Queen missus, his kiddy fiddling brothers Andy and Ed, his multiple BBC SPOTY winning donkey gobbed skin and blister Anne can all go fuck themselves, and I’m not even getting started on young Harry Hewitt and the other fucking bald headed cunt who would both be working behind the refunds counter in Harrods if they were DNA tested, It’s silly little things like this that’s recently made me seriously consider changing my name from William to basically any fuckingthing.
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