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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Which became the global behemoth Netflix.
  2. She won’t recognise London if she does come back now. No doubt she would walk straight into an all expenses paid new identity and luxury accommodation etc. etc. etc. but how long would it be before she’s spotted and reported by some curtain twitching Neighbourhood Watch cunt in a Roy Cropper cardigan, for dumping a few human heads and dead bearded babies in the ‘recycling’ bin rather than the ‘general halal waste’ one, and the council dispatch an elite ‘eco swat team’ led by Obergruppenfuhrer Thunberg, accompanied by a couple of BBC helicopters and the Guardians non binary (they/them) ‘climate change’ correspondent. If she wasn’t such a pig ugly fucking munter she might have a slight chance of not being recognised but she is so ‘hey ho’ fuck her.
  3. The cunts have managed to turn a mass televised display of their own cowardice and national treachery into some terrible but self imagined danger that these fucking useless cunts would like you to think that they face. Fucking rats every last one of them.
  4. I felt I owed it to her Ape, as she just wouldn’t listen to all her friends and family telling her.
  5. Why bring Barack Obama into this?
  6. I’ll never forget the day I got my first remote control TV and microwave oven. Coincidentally It was the same day I told my missus she’d be happier without me and told her to fuck off and not come back. As they say ‘when one door closes another one opens’.
  7. That means you must be Pens nephew as his sisters are all dead. Commiserations ELC. No one deserves that.
  8. 🎶JUMP🎶 Van Halen.
  9. Burglars wouldn’t even bother stealing them.
  10. Your wallet will still be in your pocket when you wake up the next morning after fucking a Koala.
  11. Good point Harold as it would be ridiculous to suggest that Jews like money.
  12. Sugar is just a second rate impersonator of ‘The Donald’. POTUS 45 regularly reminds the crusty old Amstrad wanker on Twitter/X of that fact, resulting in a totally predictable meltdown by Lord Sugarlump. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷LOL🇱🇷
  13. Yeah you got me Baz. You’re one smart mofo. I’m sorry.
  14. 🎶Float float on🎶 by the Floaters.
  15. Why don’t you just fuck off?
  16. Ed. Do you fancy a threesome with me and Roops tomorrow night? PM me and I’ll let you know my postcode and what bus route etc. It would be good to catch up.
  17. Yeah thanks, I cracked that when I was about 2. How you getting on with your running? Oh and any chance of having that half brick back, the one with the dog shit all over it that you caught in your dribbling gob? Asking for a friend. Fuck off.
  18. Bud Lite is the tipple of choice these days for Fwank and his, let’s call them ‘very close associates’ (as ‘bum chums’ might give the false impression that some of them actually like him once they’ve spat several times on his greasy bald patch, then gently eased 14” of black and 4” of purple from his ‘worn out, twice round the clock, pay as you go’ rectum). Frank Kleftico… The Dylan Mulvaney of Gobblers Gulch NW3 1AZ.
  19. There was a spastic lived in our street when I was growing up RK and we all genuinely believed for some reason that he had superhuman strength, and could crush us and rip our arms and legs off if he grabbed us. We used to call him names and throw things at him from a safe distance because we worked out that if he couldn’t even walk properly he’d never be able to run as fast as us.
  20. No such pathetic, child like excuses from the other side as to why Gonzalo Lira, a much younger American journalist exposing truth, who was also healthy, suddenly died in a Ukraine prison. Just the far more convenient sound of total silence. An impartial observer might think that both of these tyrants have a problem with the truth being exposed.
  21. If I could see your name on the list of excess deaths Frank I’d take back everything I’ve ever said on here. I don’t want to see you come to any harm, just dead. You’ve had a good run Frank. Just do the right thing for once and call it a day.
  22. Imagine there’s no people. It isn’t hard to do.
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