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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Are you seriously expecting me to point out your glaring stupidity by pointing out your glaring stupidity?
  2. King Billy

    Dianne Abbott

    Do you know why cannibals never eat clowns RK?
  3. King Billy

    Dianne Abbott

    I would ask to look at the choice of heads on offer incase it was some sort of scam to lure you in.
  4. King Billy

    Dianne Abbott

    That type of thing was still available until recently in certain video rental shops in Haiti (Blackbusters mainly), but most of them are now closed until further notice due to all the staff having been eaten by the customers.
  5. It seems that 40+ years of all sorts of dubious schemes by the ‘Clinton Foundation’ which followed after Bill had destroyed Haitis agriculture industry when he was President, have instead of improving the lives of Haitians achieved the opposite result and weirdly benefitted the said foundation to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
  6. King Billy

    Dianne Abbott

    Haven’t you got a geriatrics tea dance or a ‘old men in sheds’ group to go to somewhere tonight, you boring, incontinent old freak?
  7. If you need any help to do the right thing before assisted suicide becomes lawful, don’t hesitate to PM me your address and I’ll be there with a lump hammer before you can say “Wtf is that thing poking out of my underpants?” Fuck off.
  8. Merci beaucoup. Fuck off s’il vous plait.
  9. Charlotte Mosque. 🤣
  10. King Billy

    Dianne Abbott

    I don’t know if you’re aware of it Ape but Drew is fucking smashing it on here at the moment. Are you just going to roll over and let him get away with it? He’s making you look a right cunt tbh.
  11. I think Stuart might be Alan Millyard. I’m wondering wether Henry Cole may have got pissed out of his nut and crashed one of Alans motorbikes?
  12. There’s only one person on here who’s qualified to answer that Eric, and she’s probably far too busy with loads of much more important things that lots of people need to be told off for.
  13. Where are you going to get your puberty blockers now that the NHS have been ordered to stop giving them out like free Smarties? Fuck off.
  14. Two tablespoons of George Best’s ashes, stirred into a gallon of locally made ‘bath vodka’ three times a day, would probably be enough to kick start Drew’s liver back to some semblance of functionality.
  15. It’s hard to say without knowing your natural bust measurements Drew.
  16. Saturday/Sunday?…..What the fuck do I care Killer? The fact that Fwank got a stiffie over this and launched into a tirade of vitriolic nonsense at me just persuades me to pay even less attention to the whole F1 circus from now on. Tbh F1 is no more credible or interesting to me than loads of so called sports that I used to enjoy, but which I now regard as just virtual reality fishfests, broadcast purely for the millions of obedient seals, sat wide-eyed in front of their 55” TV sets, enthusiastically clapping and imagining a fresh mackerel will come flying out of the screen straight into their gaping wide open mouth.
  17. You’ve obviously never been to Harlow. Trust me, he’ll never agree to being sent back there no matter how hard the parole board insist on releasing him.
  18. Can’t wait to see the film when it comes out. I’ve heard the scene where your character (played by Leonardo di Caprio obviously) goes on a 72 hr. Diamond White and Night Nurse bender with the local lollipop lady (who never wears any pants) ,followed by a terrifying 20MPH + police chase, before crashing his Dacia Duster estate through the front window of Bargain Booze and throwing up.
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