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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. And also considerably shorter than the time it’ll take you to admit that you aren’t that bright, just arrogant and annoying.
  2. Tank tops for goalposts?
  3. Far be it from me to knock your dedication and heroism Ape. I salute you. Those propellor tips won’t paint themselves, especially during a pandemic. STAY ALERT WEAR A MASK SAVE LIVES PROTECT THE NHS PAINT PROPELLORS EAT BEANS
  4. I may be just making this up but the waiting time for a heart transplant on the NHS is currently 2,500 years and expected to increase by Monday.
  5. King Billy


    Which eye would you prefer to have the pencil rammed into?
  6. Baron Hallway. A proper toff if I’m not mistaken. God bless his ermine socks and no mistake.
  7. Make sure to wear something sexy and I’ll get a few beers in and make a night to remember of it.
  8. Who exactly are unvaccinated people going to kill Stubbs? All I keep hearing from the fake news MSM and the lying politicians is this scaremongering. It’s bollocks. People who’ve chosen to have an experimental vaccine, authorised for emergency use only, the long term effects which are anybody’s guess, and manufactured by pharma giants given legal immunity from any future civil or criminal liability, which as a patient is their absolute right, aren’t in any danger from people who for whatever reason have exercised their absolute right not to have it. Yet these ‘protected’ people somehow feel they have the moral superiority to try to coerce and bully non vaccinated people into having it. The lies and promises of the scientists and politicians for 16 months+are never ending. Many, if not all of these people have done very very well financially from this disaster. Very few, if any will emerge from this ‘pandemic’ out of pocket by a fucking penny. Where the fuck have the goalposts gone? Anyone? They we’re just there, right by the 21st. June. Is that them way over there by the 19th July now? Slippery cunts those goalposts aren’t they? As soon as they get within touching distance the crafty bastards slip out of grasp and away off into the distance again. Hopefully I’ll still be alive approaching the 19th July to see those goalposts disappearing off into the middle of August again. STAY SAFE SHEEPLE🐑BAAA!
  9. Pen. I promise to stop the appendage shit if you stop propping up Franks attempt at a comeback. You know he’ll stab you in the back sooner rather than later.
  10. All the better to hang the fucking weasel with.
  11. I’m sure he spoke highly of you before he died.
  12. Not in public Frank. Use our secret secure thingy. The one that no one else knows about.
  13. 10,383 posts and 3,549 likes + 320 odd that Roops stole. I don’t think that’s such a bad ratio. Discuss.
  14. Much as I hate your festering guts too Frank I’ve always liked Steely Dan as well. I think I’m going to have to rethink that. This town ain’t big enough for both of us. Fuck off.
  15. I was about to call Frank a one trick pony but he’s actually a fucking donkeys arse.
  16. Exactly what I would have been doing anyway Ape. And the amazing thing is that I’m unvaccinated, still fit and well and all without a mask or the slightest sign of a cough. The only thing under my bed is my missus as I have a thing about pregnant women being too close to me and luckily she understands and doesn’t see it as a deal breaker.
  17. Gary Moore went to my school. Great guitarist.
  18. Ape. It’s safe to come out now. Open your front door, tear off your mask(s), don’t worry about washing your hands for five minutes and take a deep breath. It doesn’t matter about that bloke 300 yards down the street. He can’t infect you. Go for a walk. Little steps at first. Before you know it you’ll be bowling down the High St. saying hello to strangers without a care in the world. The apocalypse never happened. Granny is OK. Throw away your hand sanitizer and sing Hallelujah! The death rate in England and Wales for 11 of the last 12 weeks has been lower than the national average according to the ONS. No need to be scared any more. Unless you’ve got so used to it that you’d feel much safer sat indoors for a couple more years, staring out the window with your masks on and your hands lovely and clean, shouting at all the fucking superspreaders walking by. The irresponsible cunts.
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