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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Are you by any chance Philips brother? The ‘die of cancer’ list made me ask.
  2. Living on Universal Credit in a bedsit with Chukka Umunna and Jo Swinson. Planning their comeback and rejoining the EU celebration party.
  3. I’ve got Ian Wright and Emile Heskey chained up in my shed. I’m planning to take the skin off their backs tomorrow and then trade them in down the market for a couple of mixed race birds with massive tits. BLACK LIVES MATTER 🤛🏾
  4. Mine are for sale. Or free to a good homo. (sic)
  5. Give it a rest you stupid cunt.
  6. That’s assuming only one punter per day. If there was a queue around the block it might be a different story. But it wouldn’t. Categorically not.
  7. Shrekactly. He was infatuated with our elderly Coleener.
  8. He had a thing for our 75 year old cleaner. He told me she reminded him of his 24 year old wife, but sexier.
  9. No. Mine was nowhere near as high class as that. But as downmarket as it was I never allowed Frank in. Mainly because he’s a poof.
  10. Fucking hell Ape. I’m kidding with you. I’m jesting about all this vaccine stuff. I’m so pro jab now. I just wish I had felt this way years ago and maybe I wouldn’t be in this fucking iron lung now.
  11. Do nothing and see what happens, or doesn’t happen. Just science really. Swings and roundabouts sort of thing. I wouldn’t book anything on BA though. Just saying. 460 people confirmed dead (from or with Covid 19) when the BA plane they were travelling on crashed today. The black box recorder has been recovered and Bill Gates has said that both pilots simultaneous deaths during takeoff were unfortunate but a phenomenon which we will have to get used to. STAY SAFE.
  12. Why has my electric been cut off then? Socialism? Great if you don’t mind reading your little red book by candlelight, while your neighbour is on the phone to Plod denouncing you, wanking furiously, thinking about how he’s going to re-educate your wife while you're in the gulag.
  13. Ape. I’m a great fan of your work on here so I feel I must warn you that imo your unswerving allegiance with the ginger googlebeast makes me fear for your future wellbeing. In response to your ‘jumping’ query, I can only tell you that trampolines were always known as jumpolines until Mrs Roops got on one.
  14. Can’t say mate. Sworn to secrecy. I know that sounds crazy, but the wheel seemed crazy till some weirdo invented it. What goes around comes around.
  15. Daniel Andrews and Brett Sutton would be a good starting point imo.
  16. Death is all I’ve got to look forward to now. Hopefully I’ll live long enough but I’m not holding my breath.
  17. ‘Everybody! Look at that cunt over there jumping around with a tinfoil hat on. Listen to all the conspiracy nonsense he’s saying. Look everyone. LOL LOL LOL. Look! He’s about to trip over that really clever dead person. That poor guy over there with the syringe sticking out of his arm. I think he was a pilot or a footballer or something. The one who looks like a sheep with a mask on.’
  18. Just work Doc. It’s not like I enjoyed any of it. I think I might be a workaholic. Those fannies won’t inspect themselves you know.
  19. Instead of criticising it you could get a guide dog to read it for you. Think positive. David Blunkett is a cunt.
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