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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy


    🎶Football’s going Rome.🎶
  2. King Billy


    Come on now Ed. Racism is the last thing I’d expect from a man of your stature.
  3. How is it that African babies starving to death is a worldwide tragedy, but if I fucked off to Ibiza for a fortnight and forgot to leave some pot noodles out for my kid I would be probably not be looked at in such a sympathetic way?
  4. King Billy


    Once they realised the waps had forgotten they were waps and hadn’t immediately surrendered after the 2nd minute goal, the 3 lions reverted to plan B, 55 years in the making. play shit for as long as possible and hope every cunts asleep by the time it’s finished.
  5. King Billy


    In front of the 19.59 Express train hopefully.
  6. Come on Ape. You know I’m jesting. What happened to us cunts having a laugh at each other? You’ve changed. It may be the vaccine kicking in.
  7. King Billy


    I’ve been out this afternoon picking some lovely fresh hemlock. I’ve got quite a bit more than I need so I can send you some I’ve blitzed into a refreshing smoothie. Could be just the thing to get you out of that hole and into a more permanent one, you miserable sad cunt. Enjoy.
  8. Poor Ape has spent the last 16 months under his bed, triple masked and covered from head to foot in hand sanitizer, anxiously waiting for Roops to text him the latest dictats from Worzel Johnson and the two horsemen of the apocalypse, Whitty and Vallance. In fairness to Ape though he has been going to work every day, in true Churchillian fashion, as he wouldn’t want to go down in history as the guy who spent the whole pandemic under the bed pissing his pamper and caused the collapse of the aviation industry in their hour of need.
  9. A recent poll, commissioned by The Economist magazine and conducted by ipsos mori should be an indication of ‘ Covid insanity’ to anyone still under the illusion that they haven’t been taken over by a year and a half of constant fearmongering by the MSM and the lizards masquerading as scientists and politicians. More than 20% of the people surveyed were in favour of a permanent curfew at 10pm every night, even if Covid 19 was completely eradicated. 25% were in favour of all nightclubs and casinos permanently closed. 35% were in favour of anyone entering the U.K. having to quarantine for at least 10 days forever, again even if Covid 19 was eradicated completely. STAY HOME WASH YOUR HANDS SAVE THE NHS KEEP TAKING THE TABLETS AND STOP LICKING THE FUCKING WINDOWS YOU PATHETIC CUNTS
  10. King Billy


    I bet you say that to all the girls as they’re bending down and stepping into the Rascal on a dark country road, before the hammer shatters their skull.
  11. I have not and will not be taking up the generous offer of a free double dose of the miracle jab which is going to save my life, and the rest of humanity from extinction. I haven’t ever covered my face and I wash my hands no more or less than I’ve always done. I’ve been going about my life as normally as possible, mixing with many people from different households and ‘social distancing’ has never entered my head as a behavioural choice. Every morning I wake up and wonder why I’m not dead, or at least hooked up to a ventilator? Ive watched with amusement as many people I know and lots more I don’t know have thrown themselves wholeheartedly into the ‘pandemic’ lifestyle, locking themselves away, too terrified to do anything the MSM and the clowns in government have told them not to do. This nonsense is imo only just beginning. ‘Freedom day’ is just another carrot. The stick will be along shortly, as surely as night follows day. There are a growing number of scientists, doctors and people with influence who are now finding ways to question the narrative and speak out to the public, after a year and a half of being ridiculed, silenced and ostracised by big tech social media and the MSM. The truth is out there. It’s just that most people don’t look for it because they still have a moronic belief that what they are told on TV and Facebook and Google is true. The truth is unfortunately being hidden from the masses. Theres an old saying ‘If something is given to you for free, then you’re the product.’
  12. King Billy


    Fuck football. It’s a pathetic pile of shite used to keep the educationally sub normal happy and distracted while the cunts with their hands on the levers of power fuck the general population up the arse, violently and without the slightest resistance. While all the fake news puppets have been throwing all you performing seals rotten fish for weeks now, distracting you with ‘what if’ dreams, and ‘only 4/3/2/1 more wins and it’s coming home’ garbage, the real news is hidden in plain sight on the front page headline of The Times tomorrow. I won’t bother with the actual headline. Look it up if you’re not too busy wanking over one or more of the designated throwbacks, down on one knee that you’ve been told to idolise. I really hope Italy thrash the living daylights out of our boys and then run up into the stands and beat Piers Morgan to death with Lineker. Fuck them all. Bunch of fake, no good, snouts in the trough cunts. ‘Football’s coming home’. What home? The place where every move you make is monitored and you can’t go for a fucking pint unless you bend over and have CUNT tattooed on your arse?
  13. King Billy


    Pen. Give Gypps her phone back. No ones being fooled by this shit, even if there’s no train timetables or obscure place names in it.
  14. Don’t come knocking at my bunker asking to borrow a cup a soup and a tin of tuna when you start growing an extra ear and your toes and fingers drop off. Just keep calling your GP for five or six hours every morning. You’ll get through eventually, if you don’t run out of fingers first. Have you not wondered why the tinfoil shelves are as barren as Pens ovaries recently?
  15. Franks cock and your tail? Forgive me if I’ve got this completely the wrong way round.
  16. Doctors are fast becoming yesterdays chip wrappers. Dr. Hillary? No thanks mate. For over a year now Ive been scouring the internet and meticulously writing down alternative cures and treatments for every possible ailment or injury that the future could (and definitely will) throw at me. I am now the proud owner of a full filing cabinet (bought from a car boot sale to leave no financial paper trail), with the instant remedy to whatever happens going forward in the ‘new normal’. My bunker is also fully stocked with enough tinned food, grot mags and other necessities to sit out the Great Reset for years, (which I fully expect it will be.) I’ve also triple lined the bunker with industrial grade tinfoil to avoid detection by Bill Gates and his accomplices up above in their satellite thingies.
  17. King Billy


    Fucking Walter Mitty has been idiot.
  18. Sorry Gypps but I haven’t watched any tennis since they stopped zooming in on the open crotch shots when the gals stretch too far and slide across the court on their arses. I sometimes listen to it on the radio, just for the grunting though.
  19. The really terrifying thing Decs is that some of these pathetic excuses for Homo sapiens will graduate and may soon be in positions of power and influence in the not too distant future. If you have the contact details for Dignitas please PM me ASAP, before EasyJet start hiking their fares up. I seem to have mislaid the will to live.
  20. Fell of his cross and got run over by a mobility scooter.
  21. Cambridge, Newcastle and Glasgow Universities have this week issued ‘guidance’ to lecturers regarding ‘guidance’ to students about the content of their teaching and the possibility of some students suffering ‘micro aggressions’. Sounds a bit fucking gay or at least snowflake bollocks to me, but unfortunately it’s even more fucking ridiculous than that. The ‘guidance’ is specifically about previous ‘guidance’ which has been labelled as ‘trigger warnings’. Apparently the word ‘trigger’ has been causing some students to get ‘triggered’ just by reading the warning. I was going to launch into a tirade of abuse, but on reflection I’m not. I really do hope the little darlings get through what must be a terrifying time of their lives and I wish them nothing but good luck. They're definitely going to fucking need it.
  22. Or sympathise, knowing what it feels like.
  23. Do you ever look down and wonder how anyone could think you’re a woman?
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