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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The save the planet, carbon neutral, tax the working class into oblivion, all in it together clowns that govern us have strangely decided that private jets should be excluded from carbon taxes. ‘Right o. That’s fine.’ Thank fuck they’re on the ball, looking out for us polluting plebs.
  2. King Billy


    True, but in the unlikely chance that you did win one, we might just take it off you and give you a swift backhander in case you thought about getting a bit above your station. It’s just life Panzy and knowing your place in it. Nothing personal (maybe).
  3. ‘Happy birthday’ doesn’t cut it as your kneecaps fall to the ground and the blood starts running down your legs and filling up your shoes.
  4. Some female Tory MP was heavily criticised this morning by the usual fake news suspects for tweeting something along the lines of....’Maybe if you’d practiced your football a bit more and kept out of politics Marcus?’ Seems a fair enough point imo. All the radio talk shows I was channel hopping in the car this morning seemed to be of the opinion that a few anonymous, abusive tweets sent to some of the England team was the topic that the whole country needed to discuss and was almost a national emergency. Not a discussion about something factual ie the England team were totally shown up and outplayed by a vastly better team and spent 120+ minutes chasing the ball and then predictably handled the penalty shootout like they always do, ie pathetically. Funny how anything and everything nowadays inevitably ends up with the same conclusion, ie RACISM. Its a scam, a grift, smoke and mirrors. Invent a bogeyman, ‘Mr Racist’ and you can blame everything, without exception on him and the fucking idiots who are the majority of the public fall for it every time.
  5. Where the fuck have the goalposts gone now? That cunt Worzel Johnson has only gone and moved them again, just as I said the bumbling, lying cunt would a month ago. The ‘irreversible’ roadmap to freedom has become ‘hopefully’ irreversible now. The two doomsday professors Whitty and Vallance back in full on apocalypse mode today to make sure all the good, obedient sheeple get their dose of fearporn, mask up and get back under the bed with a fresh supply of nappies. The lying bastards AKA the fakestream media asking questions such as.. ‘With the NHS again under pressure to cope with Covid admissions, Do you think it’s irresponsible to lift all restrictions on the 19th? Fucking staggering. The NHS own figures last week show that only 1.5% of hospital beds in England were occupied by Covid 19 patients. Hardly putting much fucking pressure on the layabout, tik tok prancing, rainbow coloured heroes imo. Ive put up with an endless stream of virtue signalling cunts looking down their face diapers and in some cases demanding to know why I’m not wearing a mask for the last year or longer. In most cases I’ve ignored the cunts or quietly told them to fuck off and mind their own business. The next time one of these self righteous fucking retards opens their gob and mumbles a demand that I mask up, they’ll be fucking sorry they poked their sanitized beak into what’s none of their fucking business. STAY ALERT STAY OUT OF MY WAY SHUT THE FUCK UP SAVE THE NHS (You’re going to need it Cunt)
  6. Panzybaby. I’ve just looked at my one year total on the leaderboard and it’s showing 1688. As it’s the 12th of July wouldn’t it be marvellous if you you were the member to make it 1690 and show your love for King Billy on this glorious day?
  7. King Billy


    Shoving anything and everything up ones arse is their brave new world Eric.
  8. ITV are already showing what is obviously a prerecorded programme about the racial diversity of the England team. I’ve just switched off at the point where the cunts were trying to make some very important point about more than half of the 2018 World Cup team being black. Inclusivity is so much more important than actually winning it seems in 21st century Britain. A small matter that Italy seems not have yet realised, as the vast majority of their team appeared to be white and have proper Italian names. Fucking racist scum.
  9. King Billy


    Imagine if Ireland ever won anything. ’The team will be touring Dublin tomorrow in an open top wheelbarrow with the joint winners of the ‘Golden Wellie’ Jedward proudly dribbling and jabbering. Team captain Graham Norton will be signing autographs with his official crayon on preselected young men’s bottoms.
  10. King Billy


    The fake news have already started their narrative for the normies in the morning. ’Some England supporters breaking down the fence and forcing their way into the stadium. There will have to be a serious inquiry tomorrow’. ‘Now back to the pandemic. We’re all going to die.’
  11. Harry McGuire may have to go back to modelling. I wonder what the Quataris will make of Kane’s rainbow armband and the whole ‘taking the knee’ bullshit next year. I’m not sure they’re quite up to speed on the whole Woke agenda yet. Allah Akbar!
  12. King Billy


    Still 15 minutes to go before we light the bonfire.
  13. Don’t bother coming in tomorrow mate. Clear your fucking locker and fuck off you useless cunt. Mc’Donalds is on the left as you walk out the door. They’re looking for retards at the moment if you think you’re up to it.
  14. King Billy


    I’m praying Piers Morgan and Dr Hillary both contract Extremely Long Covid and have to quarantine for at least ten years in Belmarsh.
  15. King Billy


    Mancini is a fucking legend. Complete fucking basket case in One flew over the cuckoos nest and 50 years later he’s back, looking 60 years younger and winning the trophy. Mamma Mia.
  16. King Billy


    In case he scored probably.
  17. King Billy


    Southgate’s got a fucking brass neck. If he’d let some other cunt coach the penalty practices.
  18. King Billy


    Millions of chavvy kids on council estates all over the country will be hanging out their bedroom windows screaming... ‘Stick your free school dinners up your arse Marcus you fucking black cunt.’
  19. King Billy


    The moral of the story being....Gareth Southgate is a massive cunt.
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