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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Thirty years ago I’d have said our mob across the Irish Sea, but those days are long gone, since we’ve all become poofs and trannies. The leftie Antifa spastics and BLM rent a mob in the US have raised the bar so high recently that it’s game over. Peaceful protesting it’s called now. You need to watch a bit more CNN ffs.
  2. King Billy


    He’d struggle to swallow a newly hatched dung beetle if it crawled out of his ravaged dirtbox and made its way up to his gob. Even the thick coating of premium rentboy jizz on it wouldn’t be enough help to slide it down his matchstick thin throat. The cunt’s a fucking disgrace.
  3. Normally I would applaud anyone slagging off Pen but in your case I find that course of action impossible. Fuck off.
  4. At the rate testosterone levels are plummeting Frank Spencer would be more than capable of defending the entire island armed with a feather duster and a lollipop stick. Best save the ammo for the zombies in the second wave. (The white zombies only of course). Imagine the shame of being the last human in history and video footage emerged millions of years from now of all the white zombies taking the knee and you smiling through a cloud of cordite as the one black zombie behind thems head explodes.
  5. The best we can hope for Eric is a zombie apocalypse. I’m good with that though.
  6. Lots of self flaggelation and condemnation of Gods racist ‘donner und blitzen’ attack on Georges sacred image.
  7. Of the around 150 ‘racist’ social media posts sent to the three club footed penalty flops, 105 have been identified as coming from abroad. Iran, Saudi Arabia and mostly other Arab shitholes. Not exactly the places that ‘far right’ England fans normally hang out. Only 5 have been identified as coming from the U.K. so far. I guess the lesson here is that the white supremacists have got a foothold right across the globe now. I expect the Millwall Supporters Club will soon be added to the FBI and MI6 most wanted lists. Utter fucking clownworld. 2021 the year civilisation started rolling uncontrollably backwards down the hill.
  8. The ‘vile racist’ vandalism to Sir Marcus’ mural on Sunday night, which has proved once and for all ( fact checked ), the institutional racism infecting the country, according to the meltdown media and the majority of our cortex deficient politicians has been revealed today to have been 2 of the most disgusting words ever aimed at a person of colour. I would like to say at this point that I’m both shaking with rage and sobbing with pain for Sir Marcus, patron saint of free school dinners, who despite suffering from malnutrition his entire childhood has given us all hope that one day we too might become multi millionaire wankers who fuck up the most simple tasks asked of us at work, but have the inner strength to pick ourselves up and blame the poor people who pay for our privileged lifestyle. Oh yeah the 2 words sprayed on the eyesore, sorry mural that have outraged the virtue signallers to a level rarely seen before. SHITE and WANKER. Henceforth known as the S word and the W word. Im sure all of you are, like myself, praying Sir Marcus can get through this with at least the hope of some sort of quality of life.
  9. I reckon the only reason he went up at all was so he could inspect every inch of Epstein Island through a pair of high powered binoculars as he passed over it, in case he’d left a pair of monogrammed boxers lying around, with shit up the back and enough DNA in the front to keep the FBI lab busy for years.
  10. Freedom day was yesterday Weirdo. Get back in your room with the bouncy wallpaper.
  11. Sorry for calling you a fat cunt the other day. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate.
  12. Some of you are born to be victims Panz. It’s much more fun for us natural born oppressors. That’s why you don’t hear us whining like bitches 24/7. Evolution, you should give it a try.
  13. If he was really such a kind and caring person he’d let his brother drive his race car now and again.
  14. When I drive into central London nowadays, which I do my utmost to avoid, I bring at least 3 or 4 binliners full of household rubbish with me. Some will go in the Thames if no cunts around to grass me up and some will be dumped in a car park in a posh part of the shithole that used to be one of the greatest cities on Earth. Saddique Khan is a cunt. If I wanted to drive in a cycle lane I’d sell my imaginary M4 and buy a fucking Raleigh Chopper.
  15. He’s in the dinghy, to the right of the cunt in green. He’s even wearing his Man U shirt.
  16. If I had 3 jobs I’d expect to earn enough at least to feed myself and a couple of kids. Doesn’t really add up imo.
  17. Entire childhood spent growing up in the reign of the ‘new messiah’ Tony Blair, going to school hungry, watched his mum working 3 jobs and still going without food for herself, yet somehow all the fault of the Conservative party.
  18. Thar’s gold in them thar Yfronts.
  19. I was going to say all that exactly RK. I’ve had to delete my post now. Anyway, the reason that politics has until recently been a no no in almost all sports worldwide is for the simple reason that any political symbol, act or perceived support will result in a reaction from some people with opposing views or beliefs. Hardly fucking rocket science, so what the fuck did anyone expect to happen by politicising nearly every sport on the planet by endorsing BLM, probably the most divisive organisation you could find currently? Fans have cheered things they like and booed things they don’t since the fucking Romans made slaves fight lions, but now booing is a racist hate crime apparently and has to be stamped out immediately. I’m fucking done with this shit mate. If this is the future here I’m going to start looking for somewhere to move to where insane fucking nut nuts aren’t revered and idolised as role models to copy.
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