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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    David Lammy

    The 21st century. When smart people were silenced so idiots weren’t offended.
  2. King Billy

    David Lammy

    What are me and Eric going to do?
  3. King Billy

    David Lammy

    Well they can’t give James O’Brien and Sheila Fogarty two shows each. Can they? LBC is the biggest sack of leftie shit on the airwaves. The only token right of centre cunt left there is Nick Ferrari and he’s a fake anyway imo.
  4. Do you think fox hunting should be made legal again?and if so what about COCKfighting? Just asking you as a man of the world.
  5. Alexa works for Famazon.
  6. Slightly off topic but did you have your massive bellend trapped in the zip of your heavy duty work trousers when that new avatar pic was taken? Just asking.
  7. We mustn’t give up hope. One day it won’t be a false alarm. Even he can’t defy nature for ever. I would genuinely be happy for him if he grew the best tumour on here, as long as it was protruding from his arse like a Titanic class iceberg.
  8. Ive just checked and they’re the two main ingredients in Newcastle Brown. I’m sure they’ve had tons of that shit through them without a hitch.
  9. RK I just saw some cunt from South Tyneside interviewed on GB News. Steven Sullivan, owner of Ziggys Bar. Please tell me you don’t drink in there and if you’re ever passing the gaff you’ll pop in and kick the absolute shit out of him. Please.
  10. Height of fucking cuntishness.
  11. Right up the ‘twitter’ as they say in East London, well Essex nowadays, as the East End is now officially a non English speaking Islamic Republic, with strictly enforced Sharia law and peaceful bearded grooming gangs stationed at every taxi office and kebab shop.
  12. Vile, weak sphinctered, half breed, mongrel cunt.
  13. I couldn’t be bothered reading the BBC article but I’m sure it was totally impartial, as all BBC output is, and must be by law. I imagine it went something like .....Racist English driver forces foreign driver off road in sleepy Northamptonshire village on Sunday afternoon, forcing the young Dutchman in the other car into a high speed crash. He fails to stop, leaving the scene at dangerously high speed. The vile bigoted local man, who has a long history of stirring up racial hatred was filmed later drinking an enormous bottle of champagne , apparently laughing and being congratulated by others for his actions. No point in me reading the article because what else would the Beeb say?
  14. King Billy

    Sajid Javid

    Or a wood chipper.
  15. Thank God. I thought it was just me. I’ve boycotted almost every shop in town, every TV show on the box and I only speak to one of my neighbours now. He’s started saying a lot of things I disagree with too, so I’m going to try to avoid him from now on. I’ve become quite good at foraging in the woods though. I picked some lovely wild raspberries today and I’m heading out in my imaginary M4 soon looking for some tasty roadkill. With any luck we’ll be firing up my imaginary barbecue tomorrow.
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