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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. These cunts are obviously in need of some part time work imo. PM me the address and I’ll send a couple of cabs over to pick them up. Keep topping them up with booze as some of these snowflakes nowadays get a bit nervous when their first ever ‘client’ introduces them to the big fella. Oh and make sure to pay the cabs in advance and tip them well. There’s a good chap.
  2. Take 6x100mg Viagra and walk round the house wearing fuck all but a fez and a huge grin, repeating over and over ‘Don’t worry girls DC won’t hurt you.’ If any of them still remain after about 5 seconds you’re in for a fun afternoon, or else she’s an undercover copper, in which case you’re not.
  3. King Billy

    Channel 4

    Morning Donkey Dong.
  4. King Billy

    Channel 4

    Simon Cowell needs hung, drawn and quartering for the damage he’s caused to this country. Frank too.
  5. King Billy

    Channel 4

    So what? They let you approach the public asking to see their tickets, but tbf you did still wear men’s clothes then.
  6. DC have you thought this through? Going full blitzkrieg on a lot of heavy hitters, with from what I can gather, only Frank and Pen in the Stuka squadron alongside you. Don’t believe Lady P if he tries telling you that monster poking out of his skirt is a V2. If it goes off no one’s getting blown up but you’re going to need a bucket and sponge and a lot of towels.
  7. By ‘foot’ do you mean your 12”?
  8. No, but it’s tail is hanging out of the front of your dress Big Dog.
  9. If I didn’t know you were one of Franks alter egos I’d wonder what you’re up to. I’m team Ape. Fact.
  10. I like Ape. Choose your side.
  11. These cunts are forever shouting about ‘inclusiveness’. OK let’s include the letter H then? H for heterosexual. What these fucking freakos mean by ‘inclusive’ is every fucking mentally retarded and criminally insane group on Earth but ‘excluding’ the widely accepted for thousands of years sane majority. Several US cities have for a few years been holding ‘straight pride’ marches. The level of abuse and fake outrage this has triggered says it all really. We’re fucked.
  12. If you caught Covid 19 on your helmet, would that be ‘Long Covid’ or ‘Dong Covid’? Definitely wouldn’t be the ‘Vagina Variant’ unless you picked it up in the non gender specific toilets at Burtons when you were in buying some Y Fronts.
  13. Posts like this Neil are quite damaging to my mental health. Don't you think the regret I feel all day every day, for selling my brasshouse is enough? Ollie Read, a legend for sure, but spare a thought for me Neil. I had to put up with that sort of carry on every day at work. If my knob hadn’t been about to drop off I’d likely still be there.
  14. King Billy


    Apologies Frank. I had no idea I was causing you such mental turmoil. Makes it all so much more worthwhile. Oh and good luck trying to pick up that axe, as I saw you struggling to bench press 2 marshmallows on the end of a bamboo, when I drove past ‘Benders Gym’ this afternoon. Fuck off.
  15. King Billy


    If she’s looking for a bit of work put her on the rattler down to Euston. I’ll make sure she’s picked up at the station and properly looked after where no one will find her, unless they look downstairs in the dungeon , sorry executive VIP lounge.
  16. King Billy


    Hardly what I’d call living the dream? So the more than half of OZ who can’t do any of those 3 of the most basic things is of no concern to you? Wake up Doc. The socialist paradise is coming your way soon. That’s the real pandemic. Good luck.
  17. King Billy


    I’ve been trying to point out the liberties being taken over the last year and a half by governments that would until now have been the least likely to. All following the same agenda with an uncanny similarity which is too fucking similar to be coincidental. Alas the ginger saboteur has foiled my attempts by repeatedly calling me a tinfoil hat wearing, mask refusenik, Far too clever for me to take on. I know my place, and tackling a middle aged, middle management, egomaniac in a company owned Audi SUV is not the way forward for me, a simple man who just wanted to warn everyone before it’s too late. STAY ALERT PROTECT THE NHS TALK BOLLOCKS DO AS YOUR TOLD STAND UP STRAIGHT WASH YOUR KNOB DON’T KILL GRANNY FUCK OFF
  18. King Billy


    Glad to see it’s all going so well in the Peoples Republic of Australia Doc. How couldn’t it when you’ve got the NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Tony Cooke, releasing a reassuring statement to the public which reads......... ‘IF YOU BUY THINGS WE THINK YOU DON’T NEED, FOR EXAMPLE A PAIR OF SHOES. WE WILL ARREST YOU.’ Must make you want to move to N. Korea for a bit of peace and quiet eh?
  19. I like it. How about the ‘Trans Variant’ which causes the male sexual organs to drop off and the patient to become very confused and virtual, then insist that he’s an elite female athlete and anyone who disagrees is a bigoted hate criminal. (and probably a racist).
  20. ‘EJACULATE ! EJACULATE !’©️King Billy2021 This is one for the lawyers to earn their money with. See you in court Eric.
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