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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I know that but I’m a thicko Baws. I’m not about to start getting things right. My idiocy is all I’ve got. I may be thick but I’m not stupid.
  2. King Billy

    Will Young

    Elton John would've been the ideal object to launch at the mincing, lisping cunt imo. Cunt’s never around when he’s needed.
  3. Pointing out what a fucking stupendously stupid slag she is, is the only thing keeping the lurgy virus from knocking me over.
  4. Seemed absolutely clear in the channel 9 clip? Very unclear at 33:50. in the channel 7 video. Both statements cannot be true. I know which sounds like back-pedalling to me. Obviously half an hour to try to come up with some alternative ‘facts’ has nothing whatsoever to do with the completely wrong answer given at first. Wake up. They’re lying, and the strangest thing is that all over the world the same lies are being told.
  5. Haven’t you got an airline to save or a PPE shortage to solve, or a glitch in the electronics at BMW RandD to fix? There must be a fox in need of your help somewhere, an old git desperate for a hand job or an Audi Q whatever that needs returning to company HQ? Don't waste your valuable time on thickos like me and DC (who’s a lot less thick than me.). Your country needs you. Get your rat out and fuck off.
  6. Like Vallance last week spending 2 minutes explaining why more ‘jabbed’ people were in hospital than ‘unjabbed’, then when questions were asked afterwards saying the next day that he’d simply misspoken. No No No. These cunts aren’t being truthful. They’re lying through their teeth and knowalls like you are as much of the problem as them. Fuck off.
  7. What’s wrong with you? Have you been refusing your medication again? Stop your nonsense now.
  8. YouTube channel Marty Focker title : Of the 141 people in hospital.....
  9. Now that the IOC rules regarding persons of dubious gender have swung (no pun intended) in his favour, I expect Pen will be training hard to make the 2024 Team GB female synchronised ticket collecting squad.
  10. What’s sticky, tastes salty and stinks of chlorine? The contents of Tom Daleys arsehole.
  11. It’s nigh impossible to have even the slightest negative thoughts about anyone else when Mrs. Doubtfire is lurking around the corner. Obviously Frank is the exception to that rule.
  12. Correct. You gave me a pasting when I found my way here and I tried my best to defend myself, eventually as far as I’m concerned coming to at least a truce and then some level of mutual respect. That seemed to me the best way forward. Lying down and taking a kicking isn’t my style. I’m puzzled at why two year old shit would be relevant now anyway. I certainly don’t have any ill feeling towards you and hope the same is reciprocated. All old news, as we both know Decs.
  13. King Billy

    Channel 4

    Don’t get your Y fronts in a twist big fella.
  14. Pen’s more tucked in than LinkedIn.
  15. 141 people currently hospitalised in NSW with Covid 19. 139 double jabbed 1 single jabbed 1 unjabbed I really hope I haven’t made the wrong decision, by refusing to take part in this mass experimental vaccination program. I’m starting to think... ‘I could have been that one.’ Worrying times. Stats from the NSW Chief medical officer in live TV address today.
  16. Something no one will ever say to you if they’re being honest.
  17. King Billy

    Channel 4

    I believe it was Dick before you started pretending it was Fanny. So the answer is Dick. Final answer.
  18. I’m still getting the same problem with the first post every time I log in. I have to go to another thread, post something and then it’s ok. Seems to be affecting quite a few people now, so I don’t see how it can be loads of stuff just suddenly gone faulty at the same time, Same time as latest upgrade coincidentally.
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