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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Isn’t that Debbie Jones the female badminton player who was trapped in the wrong body until recently? I myself was trapped in a female body....,until I was born.
  2. There’s something wrong with your crotch though.
  3. In the window of McMillans charity shop probably.
  4. Keep Roops out of it Decs. She’s busy saving the world at the moment.
  5. King Billy


    What a win double you two are. Deaf and dumb.
  6. Sorry Spotto. I was jesting. If I was really going to go low I’d have included Frank in the list of unfortunates as he’s about as fucked as a human being can get.
  7. Coming soon ‘Iceland’ the movie....starring Scarlett Johansson.
  8. Alas the McKrankie mob in Holyrood haven’t the time to do anything about something as trivial as an out of control heroin epidemic. They’ve had they’re hands full this week informing all public sector employees that they must from now on make sure to include their preferred pronouns in any communications with the public and other gov. employees. And NHS Scotland have this week issued vaccination advice to ‘pregnant people’, you know, those people who used to be known as ‘women’ in the dark, bigoted days which are best forgotten. CHOOSE LIFE CHOOSE YOUR PRONOUN
  9. ‘Brighton Cat Killer’ Fucking dog.
  10. I was thinking of doing a Stephen Hawking nom, but on reflection I’ve decided not to be lazy, so I’m thinking Tanni Grey-Thompson or Rosie Jones. Which would you advise, if either?
  11. I’ve just tried to and I’m apparently not allowed. My mistake, I just realised its been pulled.
  12. John, Paul, George, Ringo and Jeremy. That’s five Gypps.
  13. Only his giro, or anyone else's giro he stole. Oh and the make on the front of a car stereo.
  14. 🎶....on the dock of the bay🎶
  15. That’s right, and I’m a world renowned epidemiologist who’s never ever been tempted to tamper with an old lady’s gusset.
  16. You should know, having been ‘on the shelf’ all your life.
  17. Mmmm.....battered midwife, delicious.
  18. King Billy


    And most importantly, football being a game played by and watched by mainly poofs and retards.
  19. I always thought Matt suited a facefull of dried spunk much better than Luke, but I’m sure many fans at the time thought the exact opposite. Swings and roundabouts.
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