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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. As one intelligent and reasonable man to another Frank, do you think the police missed a trick by failing to check the contents of every freezer in the Praia de Luz area within the first ten years of the incident? I’m only asking as you’re without doubt the best on here.
  2. Still fucking poofs though. Checkmate.
  3. Something of a very similar nature, which my antenna picked up today Decs. 4 Washington DC cops who responded to the July 6th ‘insurrection’ have apparently committed suicide in the 6 months since, the latest one yesterday. According to the leftard media cabal they were all so traumatised by the meandering, unarmed, procession of mostly polite and bemused Trump supporters who attempted to overthrow the government, which was incidentally still the Trump administration, criminally damaging some furniture and other heinous acts, that they couldn’t carry on living. Some of these heroes had apparently been called the N word at the time and received online abuse and hate speech since. My sources tell me that many DC cops have been suspended since Jan 6 after voicing concern about the police strategy leading up to the debacle and the decision to have no more than a token force deal with the disturbance when it was happening. The stupidity of the Democrats is staggering, but in all fairness the fact that a lot of otherwise sensible people are still taken in by the fake news media and genuinely believe the Bogey Man Trump narrative says more about the state of American politics. Oh Sorry, Kurt Cobain? Ive no idea, but I’m glad he’s fucking dead the noisy, long haired, filthy cunt.
  4. 50 years, all inclusive. The verminous beast will spend the rest of his days surrounded by likeminded scum and protected by the prison systems outdated rule 43. The worst he’ll have to endure is spunk in his food every day, and for cunts like him he’d choose that anyway.
  5. Noted. Shakespeare had his critics though.
  6. Frank swears by it. He said it’s the best sex he’s ever had, with a woman, albeit a dead frozen woman. And he’s the best on here. Or so he keeps reminding everyone.
  7. You don’t know? I find that very difficult to believe, going by everything you’ve ever said in the past, that I’ve had the misfortune to observe. Are you OK? Im here to help.
  8. Fucking Bill Gates. At it again. Everything worked OK till the vaccination cull started. You can’t fool me.
  9. I can’t imagine the Ancient Greeks who founded the Olympic Games would be over the moon with the 21st century poof fest it’s evolved into. Mind you they were pioneers of the arsefucking thing to be fair, so it’s probably going exactly as the greasy olive munching benders planned.
  10. Good to see you back Scotty. The cryogenics adventure didn’t go as planned?
  11. I’ve heard about this sort of carry on. Is this what they call ‘dogging’?
  12. If I was in any way a cynical cunt I’d probably think all footballers were fucking spoiled, retarded, morons. But I’m not, so I hope the poor boy gets all the help he needs, and then when he feels up to it he can hang himself.
  13. Wordsworth was a cunt.
  14. I’ve just had an urgent email from David Icke Stubbs. I can’t reveal too much but I can tell you that the amphibian in the pic is a senior member of the Royal Family and Fergie has authorised your termination by MI5. Be Alert. They know you’ve got a massive hand.
  15. ‘Big Mama Hubbard’ sat in the cupboard, hacking away at ‘her’ cock. She finally chopped through it, but who would’ve knew it? ’Her’ nuts were too big for the block. Here all week.
  16. I mentioned this last night RK. I still have to post something which won’t go through and then go to another thread, make a post which will go through and then go back to the first thread to see that my post has disappeared. That last update was the fucking bollocks, no doubt about it.
  17. In the mens ward at the British Rail retired ticket collectors hospice.
  18. Where’s Eric? Have I missed something?
  19. Why do you think I never provide links Gypps? At least I have the satisfaction of making her keyboard overheat before she comes to the inevitable conclusion that I’m a bacofoil hat wearing idiot. I don’t know why she bothers. I guess it’s just one of her numerous personality disorders. I’m happy to help keep her enormous brain ticking over in whatever small way I can. I like to help the unfortunates amongst us. That’s the type of cunt I am.
  20. According to NHS England, on the 27th July there were 5021 beds occupied by patients who’d tested positive for Covid 19, of whom 3855 were being treated primarily for the virus. The other 1166 were being treated primarily for something else and just happened to also test as positive for the bat flu. This deception, where hospitalisations and deaths with Covid have been portrayed to the cowering, mask wearing public, too scared to venture out from under their beds to change their piss soaked pants, but encouraged to open the window and clap like seals for the NHS ‘heroes’ as the real Kungflu statistics is a con trick and a downright fucking pile of shit. The NHS has never been in imminent danger of being overwhelmed due to Cuntflid 19, and the 400 billion pounds+ which has already been spunked up the wall by the Bozo crime gang could have quadrupled the NHS capabilities if that was the real danger. The goalposts are constantly on the move. Today SAGE have said that some new variant, yet to appear, could kill 1 in 3 of the U.K. population. Yeah, and Pen could give birth to octuplets, every one of them sliding down his massive cock like passengers bailing out of a blazing 737 on the runway at Gatwick. Fuck off.
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