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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘Crackerjack’ time (on BBC+4)
  2. Two paragraphs of undeniable hate speech. Lucky for you none of them heard a word of it.
  3. What do you think about the 73 year old man, arrested and cuffed in the Park in Sydney, for not wearing a mask outside, even though him and his wife were clearly telling the filth that he was exempt and had a serious heart condition? I suppose rules are rules, even if the filth down under don’t care how blatantly they abuse them. And the old guy having a massive heart attack and dying , as they led him away in handcuffs, saved the rotten bastards the bother of interrogating him down at the nick. The CCP have even been publicly mocking the Australian police brutality. Fucking incredible what’s happened to your country while people like you have just sat back, looked the other way and poured another ‘nice glass of white’ Doc.
  4. ‘I can’t believe it Doctor. I’m actually going to get the arsehole transplant I’ve been waiting so long for. Thanks, and I’ll see you when I come to after the op.
  5. I wonder how many of the thousands of people, who’ve died from complications directly attributed to the vaccine, uttered ‘I’m so glad I had the jab’, before slipping away with a contented smile?
  6. That might be true if he was actually dead. 😂
  7. And then kick his fucking head in.
  8. I don’t have a sense of humour. I’m a conspiracy theorist. Pay attention.
  9. Berlin to Paris...1054 km. (650 miles). Job done in 6 weeks in 1940. Heil Hitler. Without even taking into account the advances in technology and your sheeplike complacency, I’d say your 3000 mile buffer zone should keep you safe till around February or March. Enjoy your wine Doc.
  10. You’ll be fine Killer. The miniscule amount of it you use for the job won’t harm you.
  11. So J+J are perfectly entitled to keep pumping out their No.1 selling product for thirty years plus, all the time knowingly hiding the fact that it’s causing cancer to its customers, and even worse targeting their advertising to the very demographic most at risk? OK let’s all get jabbed up then.
  12. Fenians don’t burn Stubbers. First rule of bonfire making. ‘Hey Johnny is that fucking thing lit yet? The 11th night was two fucking weeks ago. Pull all those fenians off it you daft cunt. Sure everybody knows shite won’t burn.’ ’So it won’t.’
  13. I take that back actually. She’s got enough on her plate.
  14. I once bought 5000 bottles of tippex. Big mistake.
  15. He could start with Jo Brand.
  16. I left that out Baws as I knew it would have somewhat steered the conversation away from the point I was trying to make. Im not anti vaccine. I just have serious concerns about these mRNA jabs which have been rushed through normal testing and safety protocols and are basically being forced on the public through coercion and 24/7 propaganda. I’m much more inclined to wait a little longer for the Novovax jab which is a traditional type vaccine and has just come through a study of over 15000 people with an efficacy rate of 90%. I’m more than willing to take my chances and wait, without a gimp mask and washing my hands 500 times a day. Also Pfizer have a rather dubious past record with experimental vaccines, especially in Africa. My grandad lived to 190 years old and he smoked 80 woodbines a day and drunk a gallon of poteen every morning after a huge Ulster fry. So I reckon I’ll be OK.
  17. I wouldn’t have the jibby jabby if my life depended on it, which it doesn’t. See you on the other side. Did you know that Johnson and Johnson have exhausted all avenues of appeal and now have to pay out more than 2 billion dollars in damages for wilfully covering up the fact that they knew for decades that their best selling product of all time, ‘baby powder’ was causing ovarian cancer, due to it containing asbestos? Just asking as J and J are exempt from legal action, like all the rest of the jabmongers if and when their Covid vaccine is shown to have serious side effects. Just something to think about CBB. And 2 weeks ago SAGE stated that the possible side effects of jabbing children outweighed the possible benefits. Amazing how science gets turned on it’s arse in a fortnight isn’t it? Bill Gates is still a cunt. *****************
  18. Pathetic drivel as usual. Just fuck off Frank. You know it makes sense.
  19. ‘First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out. Then they came for the socialists, and I didn’t speak out. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak out. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out.’ Martin Niemöller 1892-1984. Enjoy your ‘nice glass of white’ Doc, but you might want to remember that history has an uncanny habit of repeating itself while everyone looks the other way.
  20. Hearing from you once a month is once more than I’d choose, you grumpy, whinging old cunt. Goodnight and fuck off.
  21. I wouldn’t wish Australia on my worst enemy right now Doc. Talk about authoritarian tyranny. It’s spreading across the country faster than the batflu mate. No doubt you’ll claim to have no idea what I’m on about but that’s up to you.
  22. Shouldn’t you be all ‘tucked in’ by now? lol. It’s getting late.
  23. You’ve cheered me right up now Pen. Go to bed now and don’t waste what little time you have left boring the fucking shit out of everyone on here. Night night and fuck off.
  24. Rentboy Slim? Belsens resident DJ and top snitch.
  25. I applied to emigrate to Oz a few years ago Doc. Fucked it up on question 4 of the application form, after name, address and date of birth. 4. Do you have a criminal record? I put down ‘no’ but without thinking added..’Is that still a requirement?’
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