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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Today’s report by the UNs fairy tale department revealing that the planet is at best ten years from irreversible damage, albeit that I am speaking as a bacofoil topped sceptic, appears to be phase two of the Covid19/mass psychosis/Global Armageddon/Orangeman bad/Follow the science psyop, going exactly as planned. Every MSM fake news outlet has been on message and spreading the Uberfear v2.0 to the hungry adoring sheep along with a big portion of the tried and tested Kung flu terror for dessert. Sky News have even launched a new twice weekly ‘climate emergency’ programme, complete with a constantly clicking down clock to remind anyone whose brain hasn’t been turned to luke warm shit already that it’s the end of days .Fucking cunts, every one of these media vermin. David Attenborough is a smelly old cunt.
  2. Well, well, well. It appears that an ever growing number of businesses in the US and elsewhere are refusing to allow customers who’ve been jabbed or are wearing face nappies in their premises, which has unleashed a predictable meltdown from the virtuous lefties who are outraged by this totally unacceptable discrimination. The complete lack of irony by the whinging leftie fucktards is totally, but hilariously unsurprising, given that their entire thought process is consumed with their own juvenile self gratification and obsessive hatred of anyone who dares to free think and not obey the narrative they blindly follow. The mask and vaccine addict politicians in some Democrat cities and states are pissing their unigender panties at this totally foreseeable turn of events. They seem to have not really understood that allowing private businesses to discriminate against non jabbed and non mask wearers gives the same right to discriminate against jib jabbers and face nappy wearing dickheads. Oh what a mess these clever people have gotten themselves into. LOLOLOL😂😂😂
  3. Today is National Suicide Day. Don't be a gooseberry. You know it makes sense.
  4. Any day now we’ll have tearstricken mothers of teenage youths, who’ve been carved up on the streets of London, begging teenagers everywhere to get double jabbed. ’Leon was a good boy. He was going to go to uni if he hadn’t got expelled and arrested 17 times. His last words were...”If only I’d got double jabbed like Saddique Khan said on TV.” Wise words indeed, considering he died from 37 stab wounds, but had tested positive for Covid 19 in the last 28 days and therefore joins the list of victims of this terrible pandemic, which we’re all in together (don’t forget).
  5. I used to know a Jehovah’s bystander. Didn’t want to get involved.
  6. A skinny Greek cunt moved to Somerset his catchphrase was ‘would you like cum or shit?’ he got run out of Frome and had to run home cos the locals were having none of it.
  7. Which begs the question, Are the other 5 or 6 kids she must have had before this one OK?
  8. Yeah you did Doc. But it wasn’t a story of any interest whatsoever to me then, and it’s of even less interest to me now. Sorry.
  9. Good luck. It’d be a shame if you had to cancel your sex party at such short notice.
  10. He doesn’t get to talk to anyone that often. His nearest neighbours are a 5 hour drive away, and they pretend they aren’t in if they hear his 30 year old UTE approaching.
  11. Done. The boys on the Shankill Road are going to love my tinfoil bowler hat. We’ll be treated like Gods mate, and then shot probably.
  12. If the grammar in this post is anything to go by, something is clearly feasting on your antique brain, you daft old cunt. Fuck off.
  13. My missus said she doesn’t know if she could handle another lockdown. Ungrateful cunt. She knows how much it cost me to do up the dungeon, sorry basement for her. If only I hadn’t let her have that transistor radio down there, she’d never have known about ‘freedom day.’
  14. I don’t recall saying any of my conspiracy theories were true? True stories are boring. I haven’t got time to verify everything that my confidential sources in high places tell me. Believe it or not, I don’t believe hardly any of the things that I really believe, just the things that really aren’t true, or a bit true.
  15. You seem to have developed a bit of a thing for setting people on fire Stubbers. It’d be an honour if you accompanied me across the water next year for bonfire night. I’ll drive and my imaginary M4 has a fairly large boot for a couple of cable tied cunts of your choice, to get the fire started.
  16. At work.....50,000/1 In prison....1/50,000
  17. On a slightly more positive note though, Brighton Council have improved their staff diversity numbers to almost double the national average. That’s what the residents need to hear about, not doom and gloom stories like this one.
  18. Be careful Pen as you’re extremely vulnerable to the new ‘knobrot’ variant, the variant which first appeared in a gents toilet somewhere in the West Country. Just saying, as no one would like to see you catch anything terminal.
  19. Heard that yesterday and tbf I couldn’t give a flying fuck what the little Oompa Loompa cunt says or does anymore. I don’t use public transport and have no plans to ever do so. Filthy, disgusting tin cans, full of filthy disgusting low life scum. I quite hope they all catch something fatal. Fuck em.
  20. He reckons he’s been mates with you for years. I’ve never heard of him either, but I’ve heard he’s not a liar.
  21. Female athlete was what I heard on the radio in my imaginary M4 this afternoon. But not BBC radio obviously. Not that I was in any way interested. Just some bint on a bike.
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