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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Gypps is right. Just fuck off.
  2. LONDONISTAN 2021 A small number of ex Ghurkas have been protesting by way of a hunger strike to the death opposite 10 Downing St. for the last 4 days. Totally peaceful and causing no inconvenience or threat to anyone, just attempting to draw attention to the disgusting treatment the MOD feel is acceptable towards them once they’ve given everything and risked their lives for ‘Great Britain’ and are of no further use to the Crown. The handful of brave old men and some of their wives feel slightly let down and betrayed. Their main grievance is about money. ‘Greedy little cunts’ I hear you say. ‘£20 a month pension and all they want to do is complain.’ The Johnson shitshow have squandered 400 billion quid since last March on the bullshit batflu, a fair portion of that going to their pals and family. And they refuse to throw a crumb to these good men who have fought for us in all the illegal and pointless wars our spineless politicians have sent them to. 15 years service in Iraq, Afghanistan and other shithole countries we have no business being in, and then Fuck off and enjoy your £20 a month. Anyway, this morning at 8AM a group of heroic and brave Met Police bastards arrived and pulled down their gazebo, pushing two of the wives to the ground and manhandling their husbands. Contradicting some bylaw apparently. ‘Just doing my job’ the most aggressive cop repeatedly said. These stunning and brave coppers, who are directly under the command of Saddique Khan as the person who has the ultimate authority over policing policy in London aren’t fit to shine the boots of these men. Loads of ex squaddies have been turning up and supporting the Ghurkas at around 9AM every morning, so the gutless goons in blue turn up at 8 to throw their weight around. This country has lost any moral authority it used to have and any right to expect it’s citizens to obey the corrupt, greedy, disgusting cunts who claim to govern us with our best interests at heart. The cowards in blue who turned up this morning to throw their weight around will not return tomorrow because they will have seen that a huge number of ex soldiers are now there 24/7 and the rats of the Met won’t fancy getting their fucking cunts kicked in by some seriously angry vets. Fucking state of this country. I’m ashamed to fucking live here, surrounded by dirty stinking gutless cowards.
  3. Just asking but do you think your conversational manner is endearing you to many here?
  4. The cleaners in this museum would have good cause to strike, as it’s a widely accepted fact that you can’t polish a turd.
  5. Absolutely fantastic nom, and I really mean that in case anyone gets confused and thought I was in any way attempting to derail it. However I couldn’t help wondering if you managed to shove all six of the rancid pigmeat torpedoes up your equally rancid dirtbox before typing this daft pile of shit?
  6. As I haven’t taken up the governments generous offer of 2 free doses of an experimental mixture of chemicals injected into my body, Ive decided to take every other measure I can for my own safety. From today onwards I’ve been wearing 3 masks indoors and out, and wearing my seatbelt at all times while in my car and also when I’m not in it. STAY SAFE ACT LIKE A CUNT
  7. I don’t want his member anywhere near me thanks.
  8. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to fuck a penguin. I know it’s not right but if things panned out as you’ve described, I don’t think anyone could really argue that it was wrong.
  9. It’s an ITV news report ffs. The channel that broadcasts TOWIE, Love Island and tons of other assorted crap for consumption by brain dead fucking morons. I doubt they’d even understand in the slightest if somebody was to point out this grammatical error. Best just to hope they all die soon.
  10. Interesting that today NHS England have said that vaccinated people are just as likely to catch Covid and pass it on to others as unvaccinated people. So that should be the end of vax passports and the hate campaign aimed at the unjabbed population then? Not a chance. The non compliant subversives have been labelled as the enemy and ‘science’ won’t be allowed to come to their rescue. The Covid bullshit is an unstoppable train. The real agenda is just around the corner, too late for the sheeple to stop, when or if they pull their dopey heads out of their arses and wake up.
  11. King Billy


    Could be the second coming of Christ as it is his old man’s gaff.
  12. Yes, as long as I’m on top Frank, and driving a steamroller. Fuck off.
  13. It’s now being reported that 90% of Covid hospitalisations in Israel are from the double jabbed, ‘clever and virtuous’ section of the population, although not as widely reported as one might expect. I can’t help wonder why that is? Also, here at home Professor Robert Dingwall, a member of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has been told his services are no longer required. This comes after he gave a number of interviews in which he stated that the risk of side effects far outweighed the health risks from Covid for children under 18, a view which the JCVI had held until suddenly doing a 180 degree turn, without explanation, at the same time as giving Prof. Dingwall the boot. Before M** R**** leaps on me with her usual ‘thicko etc etc etc’ debunking of this story, I will point out that Dingwall has said that his public statements re. jabbing kids was not the reason for his departure, but perhaps he’s concerned for his future career and reputation as many respected scientists and doctors have found themselves attacked and cancelled just for questioning the one and only narrative that has been approved by the great and the good for the last year and a half.
  14. Silly me. I’ve just realised they must be worried incase someone steals it.
  15. Why is it bolted to the floor? Is there a likelihood of it escaping and running amok?
  16. King Billy


    There was a dwarf at our school who kept bunking off. Not big, not clever.
  17. That’s Pen sorted then.
  18. ‘Or die’ would suffice. But neither isn’t an option.
  19. I don’t recall ever mentioning that I was a fan or supporter of the decrepit old cunt. His surname alone is enough to make me despise the fossilised old bag of shit.
  20. Very interesting but total nonsense. It’s a shame that you know absolutely nothing about the subject you’ve just enlightened us all about. Democrat states set their own laws and policies, as do Republican States. It’s the Democrat run states that have been tyrannical in their batflu hysteria driven policies for the last 18 months. The red states have been the first to open up and lift all restrictions and are doing far better all round for it.
  21. Wearing a mask is totally futile CBB. A sheep is a sheep is a sheep, and a 10p piece of cotton and a couple of elastics can’t hide that fact. If anything it just removes any smidgen of doubt. STAY SAFE 💉 MASK UP 😷 BELIEVE THE LIES 📺 FLOCK OFF 🐑 LOL LOL LOL 😂
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