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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Lady Penelope has something large and menacing, lurking in his unisex pants. If it is a shotgun it’s definitely not a sawn off.
  2. An interesting view on the history of the civilised world in the past thousand years or so Panz. So would you say that siding with the Germans, albeit whilst taking the cowards stance of remaining neutral and actually sympathising with the Nazis has cemented Ireland into the history books as taking the right and honourable path? If you had to answer truthfully, would you say Britain or Germany has been a greater force for good throughout history?
  3. I’ve been doing some research today and I was rather concerned to find out that only 0.006% of Afghans have currently had the vaccine. This rather low percentage became extremely worrying for me when I heard Bozo Johnson proudly announcing that the U.K. would be welcoming 20,000 refugees from the shithole medieval wasteland. I must have been out when they phoned to ask me if that’s what I wanted. I was able to breathe a lot more easily once I’d calmed down and done the maths. The good news is that 0.006% of the 20,000 poor wretches is a measly 1.2 people, who’ll be fully jabbed and therefore able to enter a U.K. nightclub and blow us all to smithereens. 1.2? So that’ll be one bearded unwashed savage and his 6 year old wife. M.I.5 surely can’t be too busy to spot them, can they?
  4. Is he Dominics twin brother? The slightly taller one?
  5. I knew you’d be working on a plan while you’ve been absent Eric, and it’s a big yes from me at first look. 👍
  6. It’s a ‘ginger knowall’ thing. I’m sure I’ve noticed it here on the corner, but I just can’t put my finger on who it was precisely?
  7. The world has gone fucking mad mate and the sad thing is that most previously sensible and logical people have been tricked into happily going along with the insanity, and hating anyone who dares oppose the madness. I fear the worst, genuinely.
  8. I think it might have been him who nicked the wheels off my great grandads Model T Ford while he nipped in to buy some snuff. Did he have a dog on a piece of string and ten kids offering to fight everyone for money Gypps?
  9. Almost up there with Dictator Dan SC. I’m shocked by his no lifting your mask to drink your beer outside mandate yesterday. Well I was till Donkey chops over in NZ locked the entire country down for ‘ONE’ case of Covid. These conspiracy theories I’ve grown to love are starting to seem nowhere near crazy enough. WTF is going on mate?
  10. You’ve spelled kicking wrong.
  11. Your cock obsession is getting out of control. Put it away and stop making everyone else feel inferior Big Boy. Size isn’t everything. We’ve all got one after all.
  12. Like George Floyd except everyone’s glad he’s dead.
  13. Don’t forget your appointment tomorrow at the Tavistock Clinic. They’ve ordered the scaffolding.
  14. He’s lying in state at the Barbican. Side by side with Ming in matching freezers. There hasn’t been many visitors yet to pay their respects, and the book of condolences outside has more abusive comments already than the entire England football teams twitter accounts. Only fitting for a man who beat cancer more times than England missed a penalty. That’s a shame.
  15. You’re a very bitter, sad little man Panzy. Living in a fairytale bubble full of daydreaming ‘freedom fighters’, who way back then banished the evil, barbaric Brits and led your women and children forward into a golden future. The reality is rather different though mate. A large number of brave Irishmen, some still teenage boys, (all with much higher intelligence and awareness of the real world than you) realised the imminent danger the Nazis and their fascist accomplices posed to the free world, and joined up to fight alongside their British neighbours and brothers. The Irish ‘patriots’ who couldn’t let go of their hatred of us Brits stayed at home and actively plotted with the Nazis and planned for the future under German occupation and offered their assistance. The sheer stupidity of this and downright cowardice speaks for itself. The SS were not renowned for showing gratitude or benevolence to people who had betrayed their own nation. They viewed them as vermin and exterminated most of them as soon as they’d outlived their usefulness. Thousands of brave Paddy’s who returned home from the war were treated abominably by the Irish government, at national and especially local levels. These were the gutless cowards who were enjoying the freedoms and liberties which these heroes had been prepared to die for them to have. These cunts who’d plotted to put their country under the jackboot and would almost certainly be dead if their plans had been successful. All you nostalgic ‘freedom fighters’ would now be sitting around playing your fiddles and singing about the ‘grand old days, when our brothers the Brits protected us,” until the stormtroopers crashed through the door demanding your papers. Oh, hang on a minute...... That last bit is actually happening right now. Isn’t it? ”Nobody move! ID and vaccine passports please? NOW! 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  16. Cable tie a blacksmiths anvil to your ginormous man sausage and jump in please.
  17. You are without doubt the stupidest, most pointless, confused and irrelevant cunt on here at present. You appear to have no idea what any conversation between members is about, or even what any thread or topic being discussed by others is about. That’s not a criticism by the way, merely an observation. Which brings me to the one question I feel I need to ask you. Are you Joe Biden?
  18. So Miles is 21 already? Don't they blow up so quickly nowadays?
  19. He may have tapped into a subject of local interest though, as over 90% of under 25 year old local females said when asked, that they currently had or weren’t sure if they still had crabs. The other 10% said their husbands had definitely got some form of STD but wouldn’t comment further.
  20. If you found a little plastic bag, tied in a knot, containing a couple of ‘sausages’, beside an overflowing bin in the local park though, I don’t think you’d be inclined to hurry home and get the frying pan out Spotto.
  21. I have no problem with a United Ireland happening at some time in the future Decs, and coming from where I spent the first half of my life I never thought I would honestly say that. I have no doubts that the U.K. government no longer has any need for the pretence of loyalty towards the Unionist population in NI as they had in the past. If the majority of people in Ulster voted to leave the U.K. I would have no argument against that. Poor Panzy though appears to be constantly consumed with rage at Brexit and the existence of the British province of Northern Ireland, even though both these things came about through a little rather inconvenient concept called ‘democracy’. He has shown on here that he struggles to understand or accept that the U.K. voted to leave the EU, so I can only assume that if N.I. voted to leave the U.K. he would apply the same thought processes to that, even though it would be what he’s been wanking himself silly about for years.
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