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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    GB News

    Full marks for treachery.
  2. King Billy

    GB News

    Are you completely fucking mad or just fucking completely mad? BBC News, Sky News, C4 News, ITV News...... all about as rightwing as Owen Jones, Derek Hatton and Arthur Scargill all wanking furiously over a poster of Josef Stalin pulling his arsehole open. Perhaps you might like to enlighten me as to where all these U.K. rightwing news outlets might be found? Or have you been watching too much Channel 7, 9 or 12 or whatever number the rest of the commie Australian MSM call themselves? Australia has rapidly become a giant landfill site, populated by fucking woke cowards and other assorted shitweasels that are too fucking petrified of Covid and brainwashed by the ugly, traitorous cuntwipe leftie politicians they thought they were being smart by electing into office, that it’s too late now to halt the tyranny they’re living under every day. What a fucking tragedy.
  3. King Billy

    GB News

    Rab C Nesbitt had his critics too Ape, but there’s no accounting for human peculiarity.
  4. King Billy


    Thank fuck. That means I only have another 9 years and 364 days, living this nightmare, trapped in the body of a straight white man, when I’ve always known I’m a bisexual black woman fighting to free myself from the male white privilege hell I was cursed to be born into. BLACK LIVES MATTER.
  5. King Billy


    Excellent Gypps. Thanks for asking. Implants implanted, both gums stitched from cheek to cheek, and now only 5 months to wait till the final visit, to have the full set of ‘Rylans’ welded in.
  6. Precisely why he’s laying the ground and refusing to criticise Hungary. He can now opt out of any questions which he won’t want to answer, for fear of upsetting the Quataris. Much easier to stick the boot into the country he’s supposed to be representing. He knows he can rely on the BBC et al to back him up.
  7. Thanks for the diagnosis Dr. Freud. The rest of the team at the Tavistock Clinic must be delighted to be working with you.
  8. King Billy


    You’re not very good at any of this are you?
  9. I don’t think he even wears a mask whilst engaging in this outrageous behaviour Ape. Absolute disgrace.
  10. Alas, her Goodyears®️ are behind her.
  11. ‘To me, to you, to him. Who the fuck’s he?’
  12. King Billy


    Fuck off Mavis. Try Boots or Superdrug. We don’t sell hormone blockers.
  13. King Billy


    ‘Lady’ Penelope has the skin of a rhino with acute psoriasis, and a cock to match. He/She/It/WTF is it? appears to believe that it’s only banter and it is quite a popular member on here. It’s undoubtedly got the largest member on here, but that’s balanced out by its complete absence of any solid matter between its Bet Lynch earrings, which it stole from ‘Claires’ in 1987.
  14. King Billy


    I want him here. I really, really want him here.
  15. King Billy


    There is something not in any way right, lurking in your Tena pants.
  16. King Billy


    Rumour has it you ‘paca’ healthy bit of meat down below
  17. Talk tomorrow mate. I’m in lot of pain tonight and getting off my nut on JD was working but I’ve run out and I’m gonna try to sleep while I’m still drunk. Hasta manana.
  18. King Billy


    Alpacas are just woke gay Lammas. ‘C’mon man.’
  19. DC I’m quite sure Decs has had enough tongues up his tradesmans over the years to treat this with the contempt it truly deserves. I’ll say no more.
  20. Tell John Wayne I asked about him.
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