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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. So it’s not you lying drunk on Fred the nonce weatherman’s floating island in the Albert Dock, with your cock in your hand, singing, 🎶Frankie, do you remember me?🎶 Thank God you’re OK. (sort of).
  2. Are you offering advice on the subject? You’re certainly qualified to.
  3. Fuck the NHS. I’m clapping for BUPA. Poor people are better off dead, the smelly cunts.
  4. King Billy

    GB News

    So are you, according to around 13000 previous posts you’ve made, which no one has read you boring old hagette
  5. King Billy

    GB News

    Reported for doxxing me. I’m 14 and 1/2 actually. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  6. What did you think of Kevin Spaceys villa? I’ve heard it’s very impressive, but not at all suitable for bringing up kids. (Unless they’re not really wanted).
  7. Can you repeat that please? I missed it the first 2 times 😂
  8. King Billy


  9. Quick question for you Percy. Which tall building in London would you say more closely resembles your huge organ? The Shard or the Gherkin? No need to answer, just hang yourself from your preferred choice.
  10. King Billy

    GB News

    Britain’s longest man sausage.
  11. The Rick Astley of Cunts Corner.
  12. You’ve spelled ‘on’ wrong you pathetic, cobweb limbed, verminous pest. Rentboy error.
  13. I’d quite like to punctuate all your internal organs with a ceramic sushi knife.
  14. How many do you need? I’ve been stocking up on bacofoil for 18 months now. Ever since I saw all the fucking dopes on the BBC News fighting over bog rolls in Costco. Stupid cunts.
  15. Shut your massive bellend you hideous old manhag.
  16. Stupid pretend yuppified cunt. 😌
  17. Understandable really. Dropping onto the pavement from a Great Danes arse would traumatise most fucking idiots, but try not to dwell on it too much, as you would have turned out a complete fucking spaz no matter what the circumstances of your birth were. Fuck off.
  18. That’s the most cruel and heartless comment I’ve ever heard Gypps. Have you any comprehension of the damage to one’s mental health that having a 100 run first innings lead can cause? They’re all heroes imo for making it out for the second innings at all. Sometimes your inhumanity takes my breath away.
  19. King Billy

    GB News

    There are rumours of a huge Pole living in your underpants.
  20. King Billy

    GB News

    He was running across the busy motorway when he suddenly died from Covid 19, a split second before the 44 ton arctic ran over his head. If only he’d been double jabbed, things could have turned out so differently. Anti vaxxers eh? When will they ever learn? (And he wasn’t even wearing a mask).
  21. An accurate and truthful news story for once? That might not be sickening, but certainly unexpected and shocking beyond belief.
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