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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. By net zero do they mean no goals?
  2. Then they could bring back steam locomotives and give you your old job back, shuffling along the carriages, cock dragging along the floor behind you, squinting at the passengers tickets like Mr. McGoo in a floral dress, while boring the fucking pants off them with coma inducing stories from the last century and occasionally mentioning obscure and totally uninteresting place names which no one has ever heard of or wants to. Fuck off.
  3. A cow asked another cow what it thought about mad cow disease. ‘Dunno. I’m a mushroom.’ it replied.
  4. White Lightning and Diamond White CBB, without a bubble in sight? Surely not?
  5. Whatever happened to John Bryan?
  6. All total bollocks. This gas ‘crisis’ is just the latest preplanned distraction to keep the fear hungry masses from going into cold turkey and waking up to the daily trough of bullshit they’ve been guzzling from for the last 18 months. Every couple of days the MSM churn out the latest catastrophe hurtling towards the eager population. Just by coincidence this latest threat to our way of life is going to seriously affect the supply of meat to consumers. Well isn’t that weird? Coming so soon after the MSM have been priming all the gullible, mask wanker cunts, glued to the BBC and Sky News, with the ‘Stop eating meat to save the planet’ scare stories. Wake up for fuck sake and have a burger. It’s all propaganda.
  7. Very true DC. That and Pens cock can both be clearly seen from space.
  8. I’m still trying to get rid of the cockwarts from the last time. They’re the most lasting memory of the really unpleasant episode. I’ve learned to imagine I’m fucking a rotting red snapper when the awful memory of the actual night in question comes back to haunt me. That I can deal with.
  9. Our so called ‘government’ and the usual MSM suspects, who’ve been spunking in their non gender panties telling us that ‘booster shots’ are now a must for the over 50’s appear to have now become fully paid up tinfoil hat wearing science deniers. The FDA oversight committee in the US voted 16 to 2 against approving booster shots, which is in line with the WHO who’s current advice is that booster shots should not be rolled out, except for people with comorbidities. This country is being run by Whitty, Ferguson, Vallance and the rest of the Bill Gates funded cunts who have Bozo and his fucking gang of idiots completely under their spell. Dont come complaining to me when you’re all dead. Fucking vax wankers.
  10. I’ve been following this for quite a while. Fauci is responsible for millions of deaths and the Biden administration, congress and the criminal MSM have been doing everything possible to hide the truth from the world.
  11. THE NATIONAL TELEVISION AWARDS ’And the winner is…….Samsung.’
  12. A little known characteristic of homosexuals apparently.
  13. While Rattie was sitting on a rocking chair in the corner watching, and munching on a log.
  14. I stopped buying from Amazon early last year when I became aware of the leftie cunt Bezos’s hatred of democracy and free speech, plain to see by the banning of hundreds of pro Trump and other perceived right wing books from being sold on Amazon. Not content with becoming the richest person in the history of the planet, the slimy cunt wants to limit the populations access to literature he doesn’t like. I have a firestick which I’ve loaded up, so I get all the latest films, sports, and Netflix, even pay per view boxing etc. for fuck all. So I guess I’m one cunt that he’s not going to get any richer from. Fuck Amazon.
  15. FOR SALE……Detached house, five bedrooms, all with en-suite, glory holes and cum disposal units.
  16. If something is free, you’re the product . Sometimes it just takes a little while for that to become obvious.
  17. True, but it’s just a C4 shit box with huge slabs of plastic stuck on it. It’s about as innovative as a corduroy blazer with faux leather elbow patches.
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