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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You’ll do well here. Fuck off.
  2. Good morning Major. Great news that you’ve now become a bigoted dinosaur at last. We’re a dying breed mate. I myself have been diagnosed with acute tinfoil hat syndrome, complicated by also being genetically a thicko. My consultant Prof. Roops BS has informed me that there are no treatments available at present and her word is good enough for me. She has tried treating my condition with massive doses of factcheckers but these have unfortunately only exasperated my condition. Anyway, welcome back and fuck off.
  3. The ‘dirty protest’ was only so the cunts could feel like they were at home on a West Belfast council estate, bringing up a dozen filthy illiterate kids, sponging dole money and rent cheques from their tyrannical British enemy.
  4. That really would be something Eric. If ‘googlegasm’ which I made up as I was typing the post became a thing. I don’t know if I could live with the psychological carnage it would cause her. I’m not a monster, just an average thicko.
  5. Of course Eric. Even a renowned thicko like me (fact-checked and confirmed by Her Highness) knows that Google only allows the true scientific facts on its platform and in no way censors or shadow bans anyone who dares to question the version of science that they promote. That's why I rarely question her cutting debunkments of everything I post. The last thing I’d want to do is interrupt her in the middle of a howling multiple googlegasm as she gloats over her latest crushing put down of the corners biggest thicko.
  6. Your mockery is coming across as very cruel Panzyboy. I’m hoping you don’t mean it and will be the first to offer us your help if the widely reported caviar, truffles and vintage champagne famine hits us hard. You still owe us for the potato famine remember.
  7. Anyone who’s ever seen an Irish quiz show would know not to waste their time questioning a bogtrotter.
  8. One of those ‘paddies’ that can’t sit too close to the fire in case he starts to melt.
  9. Calm down dear. No need to get yourself all worked up now. I realise that your sudden fits of rage may be just Bill Gates having a bit of fun with his remote controller when his billionaire mates are round for a few beers and an adrenachrome booster, in which case I apologise sincerely, even though I don’t mean it. 😘
  10. My grandad smokes 400 Superkings a day, he’s 170 years old and he swam the Atlantic ten times last month. He told me that climate change is only because summertime is warmer than winter. He’s also a top scientist and bare knuckle fighter.
  11. Now that all the pathetic sheeple are fully compliant, after 18 months solid of being told they’re all going to die or kill granny, if they don’t obediently follow the daily and ever chsnging orders from Bozo and his collection of clowns, and are all clapping like seals for a fish, wallowing in the ‘freedoms’ that have been generously given back to them, but with the threat of having them removed without notice, constantly told to them by the fakestream media puppets, the narrative has seamlessly moved on to climate change, and the seemingly unarguable fact that the human race has only a few years to turn things around (very expensive) or death awaits us all. Every news program features some flood, fire, storm, sunny day, rainy day, slightly cloudy day or a slight breeze which blew a pensioners hat off in Trafalgar Square today. All absolute proof of the impending eco catastrophe which some bald headed spastic looking professor wearing ridiculously large joke shop glasses, from the University of Bullshit will waffle on about for ten minutes and then disappear never to be seen again. The never ending avalanche of propaganda, countered with the odd fake ‘hero of the people’ to pretend that he or she is very angry and doesn’t agree with the ruling elites and knows better, just to fool the anti everything mob into thinking they have some of the cunts on the telly on their side and everything will be OK. THE GREAT RESET is in full flow and the most pathetic thing about it is that they told you all it was coming, what, when and why, and you all stood there with your masks on, arms stretched out for your twentieth jab, and your arseholes fully greased up for what’s coming next. Enjoy. BAAAAAAA!!! 🐑
  12. I was thinking of heading over tonight to finally give her what she craves, but I know that once she starts explaining the suspension settings, and the different engine mode options on my imaginary M4 to a thicko like me, I’ll be fast asleep before I can say ‘Are you going to get your growler out then or what Luv?’
  13. You’ve started early on the vino tonight Gypps. Have a good one 👊
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