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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Of course only women have a cervix. Why would a man have a fucking washing machine?
  2. Huxleys ‘Brave New World’ and Orwells ‘1984’ have both proved to be uncannily prophetic as to the future of civilisation but predicting two totally different pathways to the same totalitarian destination. Huxleys scenario being that humans, allowed to indulge in everything, particularly sexual, that they desired, would become slaves to their masters, dependant on the benevolence of their rulers who appeared to keep giving them more and more. Orwell predicted the subjugation of the masses by the use of surveillance and the division of society to have families and neighbours spying and informing on anyone for the slightest reason. And the total insanity of Freedom is Slavery, 2+2=5 etc. madness that is unbelievably today in some places coming true. Both are happening today in various places, and as you say, I’m fucking glad I won’t have to live in the end result of the madness.
  3. King Billy


    I’ve only been to an Apple store once. Load of bollocks imo. No apples anywhere, just a load of queer looking skinny geeks with acne, and pig ugly fat birds with purple hair and no tits, trying to sign me up for a phone, or a tablet whatever the fuck that is, for about twenty grand a month, if I remember correctly. The bog was overflowing with what looked like immigrants shit too. Filthy disgusting bunch of cunts.
  4. While the other Indian knobjockey he jobshares with, is next door in young Seamus’s room, splattering the Boyzone and Daniel O’Donnell posters on the wall, with the wee lads dirty underpants pulled tightly over his head.
  5. Kiwis are all absolute cunts. Can’t even speak Australian properly without sounding like Stephen Hawking with a flat battery. No wonder there’s only about 3 people live there.
  6. The Lancets latest publication refers to ‘bodies with vaginas’ on its front cover. The (until recently), widely respected medical journal, have seemingly decided they’d prefer to be listed in the fiction/fairy tale category, going forward into this brave new chapter of human civilisation. The BBC unsurprisingly, have spotted the bandwagon passing Broadcasting House and jumped straight on. Their latest buzzword, if that’s the right thing to call it is ‘AFAB’ which their overpaid talentless news presenters have been seamlessly slipping into conversations recently. They then make a point of explaining to the viewers that it stands for ‘assigned female at birth’. The longer that people laugh and just shrug their shoulders at this fucking shite, the worse it’s going to get. Finally, If you’re reading this Pen, don’t waste any of your pension this month buying The Lancet. It’s not you they’re talking about on the cover.
  7. Neil has a biscuit tin full of them, but I don’t think he’s that bothered about the science.
  8. Fucking hell Ape. So that’s why your living room is stacked to the ceiling with masks.
  9. I thought this might be true till I got to ‘friend’.
  10. The one on the right’s got no goldfish in it. Fucking fairground cheating cunts have had you over Neil.
  11. Abel did it, in the souvenir shop.
  12. Next Sunday, if you head down to the offy 40 mins earlier, you might be able to watch all of it while you’re browsing the aisles. Lol.
  13. While Andrew is more of a puppy type of guy.
  14. King Billy


    Every section of the population is now deemed to be somehow ‘victimised’ and ‘oppressed’, and therefore immune from any criticism, objective scrutiny or God forbid be the subject of humorous comment. The one exception to this inarguable rule being the Caucasian majority, especially if they’re guilty of the despicable crime of being male. And how is it that certain religious beliefs, obviously of the ‘peaceful’ variety cannot be criticised, mocked or increasingly nowadays even discussed for fear of falling foul of hate laws? Yet the Christian Church which is still a major part of the DNA of this country is somehow exempt from any of these protections? Not that I think it should be, but neither should any other imported fairy tale bullshit.
  15. Probably a thought our Prime Minister frequently has while undressing for bed.
  16. King Billy


    How was it at the Labour Party conference today Decs? Lol. Now that Sir Kier has flushed out all the anti semitic Corbanistas it must be unrecognisable from the last few years. Oh, hang on a second, sorry, not all of them, only a couple of thousand + unresolved disciplinary hearings to get through.
  17. A point which is absolutely true TF. Some might comment that every cunt down under is descended from criminals transported from Blighty so who gives a fuck? That imo explains the behaviour of half the population, but the other half must therefore be descended from the jailers sent with them in days gone by. Same shit different dunny.
  18. 15? At least five years past their ‘best by’ date for the ‘purple mafia’ as the hierarchy in Vatican City are now commonly referred to. Even the Italian press have started to openly discuss the sinister cabal of Cardinals and Bishops who inhabit the ‘nonce’ district of Rome, protected by the Holy Father himself.
  19. I see that the Vatican aren’t allowing anyone in unless they show proof of vaccination. How very Christian. ‘Come unto me the sick and the poor’ ’Jab passport please and pay 20€ at the door. The Father will be along shortly to take your confession and plunge your arsehole.’
  20. As I’ve given up watching, never mind supporting any football poofs since the BLM pandemic infected the entire sporting world, I agree wholeheartedly with you and Decs. Everton have always been ten times worse though, not that I care at all.
  21. King Billy

    GB News

    There was a leaked email last week that he’d sent to GB News, complaining about the private jet that they’d sent to fly him and his family back from France for the launch party. In the past he has stood out as a tough interviewer for the Beeb. a rarity nowadays, but he’s showed himself up as just another spoiled, entitled hack who got too fond of the BBC comfort blanket and I doubt we’ll see much more of him going forward.
  22. He should have a good chance now that Roger Moore is dead.
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