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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘So we finally meet Mr Bond.’ ’What you saying blad? Man just got out of jail this morning. Ya get me?’
  2. He missed a great opportunity yesterday to introduce the assembled crowd of fucking dribbling retards to his newly discovered cervix. I found his heart wrenching story of his dear mothers last day on Earth in the ICU and the four saint like nurses who’s every word he was able to recite absolutely sickening. I’d bet Poirot, Morse, Holmes, Tennyson and the entire FBI, KGB, etc. etc. couldn’t track down even one of them to corroborate the bullshit story. The man’s a complete cunt. His hairstyle is enough to prove that.
  3. The harsh reality though is that if Joshua had fought Usyk at Gander Green Lane, he’d likely have won easily. I’m not an anti semite at all, but the historical curse seems to hover over White Hart Lane like a big hovering historical curse, for want of a better description. Shalom.
  4. I’m not an antivaxxer DC. I’ve had the standard list of jabs going back to primary school, as have my offspring. It’s just this Coof jab that I won’t partake of, due to the unknown long term effects, the methods being used around the world to force people to comply, coupled with the ever increasing tyranny of so called ‘democratic’ governments worldwide. The unvaccinated are being portrayed by the scum MSM as the enemies of the people, (the real dummies), who are being manipulated into treating us as modern day lepers. I will not now, not ever, be cajoled into complying with these fucking power mad cunts. No mask, no social distancing, and definitely no fucking ‘Fauci ouchi’. Our former master Anthony Charles Lynton Blair has given his endorsement for domestic vaccine passports to participate in everyday life on several occasions recently. The same grinning hyena who, when he was PM, point blank refused to say whether the fucking monstrosities which had previously fell out of the cavernous cunt of his gorgeous ‘Aunt Sally’ lookalike wife Cherie, had partaken of the MMR jab. Bill Gates is still a cunt.
  5. PooTube, Fartbook, Twatter etc. have now ‘simultaneously’ announced that they will be removing any content which they deem to be ‘ANTI VAX’ and banning contributors from their forums. Not just Covid 19 vaccinations, but anything which they decide they don’t like regarding any vaccines. Speaking as a rational person with an open mind on most subjects, I am slightly concerned, but not in the least surprised at this latest big tech policy. Throughout history science and civilisation generally has progressed rapidly and the human race has benefitted hugely by open debate and opposing opinions being freely discussed and heard, and eventually a consensus agreed upon. Job done. Problem solved. Until now. ‘Science’ circa. 2021 has moved on from all that old fashioned nonsense. The way it’s done now is much more 21st century. ‘These are the facts and if you don’t agree you will be vilified and then silenced.’ Its a glaring anomaly though, that it’s always the kind, caring, tolerant lefties who want to silence and demonise their critics, while the racist, bigoted, sexist, far right, white supremacist, knuckle draggers are the ones willing to argue their point of view, but get shouted down and destroyed by their ‘tolerant and inclusive’ opponents.
  6. No. The answer is Fuck off.
  7. You didn’t miss much.
  8. He’s never been the same since Gazza turned down the offer of his liver.
  9. This sort of thing was unheard of before Brexit. It will surely get worse unless we elect Femi Oluwole as PM immediately imo.
  10. It was you queuing at the BP station for eight hours on your electric scooter, to refill your Zippo, I assume.
  11. 🎶 I’m the leader, I’m the leader.🎶
  12. King Billy


    Call me a tinfoil hat weirdo DC but the white stag has held a very high religious significance in Hungary and Poland for centuries. The very two countries in the EU who’s governments are currently diametrically opposed to the EU cabal of leftwing political fascists. To me it looks like a thinly veiled warning to get on message or else.
  13. King Billy


    Very strange this story indeed. White stags are extremely rare and have only been spotted a handful of times in the last 50 years in the U.K. The police allegedly tried for several hours to find an organisation to help capture or deal with the ‘danger’ it posed, but without success. Really? White stags are also historically very symbolic, and represent Jesus Christ in many Christian followings. The white stag is said to be a sign of a great change coming for humanity. The public execution of this extremely rare animal might be looked on as a sign of something, given the upside down world we now live in. It just seems an extraordinarily strange story to pop up out of the blue to me.
  14. King Billy


    I’ll have you know that my imaginary M4 had a state of the art ICE system, which I had no idea how to use, being a thicko. I have however spent a lot of money (from my Xmas tree earnings) having the entire system replaced with a Sanyo FM radio and cassette player which a mate gave ma as a straight swap for the shit that was removed. If I had any petrol I’d go for a drive and pump up the volume.
  15. King Billy


    Conspiracy theorist.
  16. King Billy


    I imagine that Mugabes ghost if it was lurking around in the U.K. might be found in Tony Blairs bedroom, twisting his ‘little pink nose’ every five minutes while he sleeps. An absolute abomination of a man for sure, but ordering Blair to keep his little pink nose out of Zimbabwe’s business made me roar with laughter.
  17. King Billy


    It’s very tempting but I’m far too busy at present Stubbs. I was just saying to my good pal and colleague David (I call him ‘Ickey’ today, that all this shit were uncovering on the internet is going to blow the public’s minds when we go public. Between you and me, I’ve got indisputable evidence that Roops is a lizard and the ginger wig is a disguise. This could rock cunts corner to its very foundations and probably be the end of me, but I can’t conceal the truth.
  18. King Billy


    There’s no such thing as lightning actually. Surely you know that the Earth is flat and clouds are made of cotton wool? Lightning lol lol lol.
  19. King Billy


    Ape. I’ve been outside my house in the rain for the last half hour, clapping for the petrol station workers. The bloke across the road has just shouted out from his upstairs window at me….’Put your mask on you stupid cunt. We’re in a fucking pandemic’. What do you think I should do? I didn’t get where I am today by being a mask wanker.
  20. You’ve spelled alive wrong Stubbers. Whats wrong with you?
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