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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I don’t take any notice of politicians any more Panz. Gave that up years ago. All I know is a fenian’s a fenian, and a prod’s a human. Some things never change, Spuddy boy. Fuck off.
  2. Stubbers. I’m in Gran Canaria, on a business/pleasure jolly and it’s proper shit. We should go raving if I ever get back. Old Skool 😊
  3. King Billy


    Lady Penelope….300+ year old former BR ticket collector, current holder of the title of ‘Most boring man/woman/thing/troll/trollete/childless fucking beast/beastess….2021. Congratulations and fuck off. Wayne Couzens would have put his foot down and driven right past you. As would any other self respecting beast. Kill yourself. No one else can be bothered.
  4. King Billy


    Shut the fuck up Big Knickers.
  5. Watch yer blood pressure Panzy ffs. If you explode You’ll decapitate more women and kids than Adams and McGuinness before they became peace loving ‘statesmen’, by which I obviously mean, they realised they were beaten and sold out their ‘comrades’.
  6. Has anyone ever explained how it is that those white chalky dog turds suddenly disappeared at exactly the same time that Opal Fruits became Starbursts and Marathons turned into Snickers? Coincidence? Fuck off.
  7. Give it a rest for fuck sake.
  8. The final comment from ‘Lord Paddick’ is great stuff. The description of him didn’t mention him posing in his underpants begging for cock on a bum benders dating website while a serving Met police officer. Explains the warm welcome he got by the Lib Dem freaks as soon as he retired though.
  9. Traditional currencies, underpinned by government central banks are imo in their final death throes. Thank fuck I’ve been ahead of the curve and got rid of any money I had tucked away, gathering dust. I sold my Hoover too. That was just gathering dust aswell.
  10. Ratlikes are the new Bitcoin.
  11. Have you ever considered writing a thriller? I couldn’t stop reading this until somewhere around the second ‘had’, at which point I fell into a deep sleep and immediately started dreaming of kicking your head in. Keep it up and this time next year you’ll be bigger than Barbara Cartland.
  12. Thank fuck you said petrol and not a premature baby.
  13. I may do, depending on the state of the supply chain come early December. Or I might buy an imaginary lorry and buy enough to satisfy demand at my imaginary sites which according to an unnamed expert here on the corner couldn’t possibly be a profitable business at all. I have to admit that before being informed of the ridiculousness of my wasted years, thinking foolishly that I was making quite a good amount of profit fiddling around and wasting my time every Xmas selling ‘dead trees’, I genuinely thought I was doing OK. A little tip for you…If you ever have the good luck to be informed that you’re a ‘thicko’ and everything you thought you’d been doing right is wrong, just listen and don’t for a second dispute what you’re being told. Happy Xmas and fuck off.
  14. We’ll never know who they are though, as they’ll all be wearing face nappies and when they suddenly drop dead with an enlarged heart or an unexplained blood clot, their loyal little friend astro will alert the authorities to come and remove their body and all evidence of their existence. ‘The internet of things’. How did the human race ever manage to survive without it? Im looking into how I can get rid of my smartphone and post on cunts corner from a public phone box.
  15. ‘astro’ by Amazon $999.99c. Amazon’s latest must have device, at this reduced price (for a limited period only). How long I wonder, before the courts and the police will be forcing certain sections of the population (the filthy unjabbed) to have one, free of charge of course, to enrich their miserable lives, while they’re excluded from all the ‘freedoms’ that the sheep have enthusiastically clapped like hungry seals for? Wake up ffs. ‘Here astro. Good boy astro. Aw fuck astro. What’s happened to you? Looks like someone’s smashed your fucking little plastic head to bits with a brick. Never mind eh? Let’s get you shovelled up and pop you in the bin you creepy, spying little cunt.’
  16. Free Punkape! The faux upper class, golf playing, devout Catholic, old colonial throwback is one of the funniest cunts on here. I’m still intrigued by the reason for his sudden disappearance.
  17. That cunt M didn’t tell me you had a fucking laser thingy. Said you were just a two bob mug with 3 nipples and a flick knife. I should have let that black bird go in before me at the interview.
  18. Has anyone seen Q? Yeh man, outside da chicken shop.
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