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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Anne Bling innit?
  2. Sincere apologies to anyone whose had a severe adverse reaction to the mental image of Her Ladyship wanking furiously with both blacksmith sized hands, over a neatly laid out row of faded black and white xxx rated ankle pics. I felt extremely nauseous myself when I read it back.
  3. Count your blessings. If you hadn’t got your stash of ‘What the butler saw’ postcards out from under the bed as soon as you got home from the vaccination centre, you probably wouldn’t have got that massive erection, and the entire dose of ‘Oxford’ protein to splatter all over your neatly folded 150 year old bloomers. That’s how close you most likely were to an imminent blood clot, which might have made your gigantic cock look like a cocktail sausage.
  4. What happened Frank? No one can become as utterly shit as you are now considering your former mediocre position on here. Can they?
  5. Or maybe he didn’t fancy sitting near SleepyJoe Biden, who’s seemingly unaware of where he is, who he is, or that he should head to the bathroom before vacating his bowels.
  6. Fuck trees. Cut them all down and tarmac the forests in case some cunt tries planting some more.
  7. Scooby poo Plop Cat The Bash Street skids Scatty Jacques Tommy Pooper Fart Garfunkel Spongebob Shitpants Postman Scat Poopa Pig
  8. A sexual technique the Krauts taught the cheese eating surrender monkeys wives, mothers, sisters, daughters and grannies on their ‘all inclusive’ road trip through the Ardenne and onward to Paris in 1940. The Germans were great admirers of the ‘black and tans’ though, and the methods they employed to keep their savages in check. They say history repeats itself. Let’s hope you lot have learned something from your rather poor showings in the past, though I very much doubt it. PREPARE YOUR ARSEHOLES
  9. It’s a man thing sweetie. I believe it’s widely known as ‘humour’. Google it and you’ll at least be able to read the definition of it, even though you’ll never be able to participate in it for obvious reasons.
  10. You really are a vile cruel cunt Frank. I had to read this shite 3 times in disbelief that you hadn’t mentioned me. I feel abused.
  11. You forgot the ‘sudden death due to anal bleeding’ which was very common shortly after choir practice.
  12. Our borders are safe finally. The French coastguard have eventually realised how much they love us, and owe us Brits after their totally predictable WW2 capitulation, Be in no doubt that once they’ve boarded and impounded all our fishing boats in the Channel and blockaded all their ferry ports, that we will be in the driving seat at the negotiating table to agree how many billions of pounds we can pay them to be on the lookout for those pesky dinghy convoys from Calais every half hour. Fucking frogs. Don’t they know Britannia rules the waves?
  13. It’s time to log off for tonight Frank. Kelly Maloney’s got no more likes left to slap on your fake tanned arse cheeks. Toodlepip.
  14. Don’t think hiding behind Frank that I can’t see the shadow of your gigantic organ you sun blocking freak of nature.
  15. If that’s the best you can do nowadays Frank then it’s honestly time to fold your tent and call it a day. Try Only Fans or maybe Friends Reunited if you can find a free VPN on your 22 year old daughters phone while she’s got her back turned. You stupid fucking cunt.
  16. A small group of MEPs who have for months been demanding from the European Commission, the publication of the contracts the commission signed with the vaccine manufacturers gave a press conference today. The EC finally released to these ‘elected’ MEPs the redacted contracts, which they had apparently been unable to make public until the manufacturers gave their permission. Almost every one of hundreds of pages were totally redacted i.e. every single word hidden. The EU propaganda machine has been , with their tame MSM schills portraying them as far right and even far left extremists. Simply for demanding transparency, unacceptable nowadays apparently. Last week in this country, the JCVI who had advised the Johnson/Whitty/Vallance cabal that the benefits of vaccinating children did not outweigh the risk to their health from Covid, also released the full report which they had submitted to the government, which Downing St. had been resisting the publication of, ever since they almost immediately ignored the advice given to them. Not only did the JCVI not advise jabbing kids but they also stated that in their opinion it was much more preferable for children to catch the virus and acquire natural immunity going forward. Perhaps I am a conspiracy theorist, but I’ve been smelling a rat right from the start of this ‘pandemic’ and the stench keeps getting stronger and stronger. Time will tell.
  17. The binmen being on strike would have limited their options. A very dignified funeral though, if I remember correctly. The missing hubcaps on the hearse and the smouldering XR3 in the cemetery were hardly even noticeable with all the fighting and swearing going on.
  18. Unless you have the luxury of a Velcro attached vagina, which in your case would make the act definitely possible. Freak.
  19. I’m playing the long game CBB. I’m going to wait till after the funeral. The wake is usually a good indicator of whether the widow is over her grief and up for some one on one back at hers. I’ve been told that I look like Daniel Craig in my black suit and tie, so I’d be very surprised if I have to waste a Rhohypnol on her. I’ll bring a couple just in case though.
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