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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The irony being that she was melted down and recycled into a lovely pair of brand new tractor tyres which some white farmer is driving around on with a huge smile on his face.
  2. The totally trustworthy MSM have for a couple of days now been fact-checking and debunking the ‘ridiculous and crazy’ conspiracy theories which some ‘idiots’ have been spreading on the internet concerning the outbreak of sudden death due to heart failure of healthy young people at the Astro World music event in Texas last weekend. It seems that the totally unfounded claims which have been going viral online, pointing out the many satanic clues in plain sight at this event need to be fact checked and dismissed as lies by the totally trustworthy media, including almost every national newspaper in the U.K. for some unknown reason. The demonic stage design for a start. The 2 headlining performers… Travis Scott and Drake, born exactly 66 months and 6 days apart. The event took place on the date the Church of Satan was founded 666 months previously, which coincidentally also happens to be Travis Scott’s birthday. These MSM organisations have for some reason decided that this ‘absurd misinformation’ being spread by ‘idiots’ is dangerous and totally wrong. None of them as far as I can see have elaborated as to how they’ve all immediately reached the same word for word conclusion, apart from quoting the usual ‘fake news’ fact checkers and ignoring all the actual ‘facts’. The Guardian, a well respected and unquestionable purveyor of the truth reported that it was ‘absurd to say that the stage resembled an inverted cross leading into the gates of hell’. I think the picture above throws a spanner in that ‘fact checked’ statement. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just looking for things that aren’t right in normal everyday life, but tbf they are becoming a hell of a lot easier to find recently. Fuck off.
  3. Kwik fit in Soweto are currently offering Goodyears for 50 rand, any size up to 36” waist.
  4. Have a like ‘Dave’ LOL. I can’t argue with you as the inconsistency of her decisions to ban people and the length of the sentence is unfathomable to me. It’s lucky we’re all cunts and a bit of feigned outrage normally ensures everything returns back to normal before long.
  5. I quoted Solzhenitsyn and his comment deserved a like imo. The fact that I thought it came from you wasn’t the reason I gave him a like Wolfie. The only reason I brought the matter up was that other members were already discussing his frequent name changes and the latest one which was a blatant attempt to impersonate yourself.
  6. She’d have to ban everyone and spend everyday in her basement moving little models of us around like Adolfs delusional last days in 1945. All tinpot dictators reach the same destination eventually. Never mind.
  7. Roared the crowd as Frank crossed the finish line in last place at the gay paralympics.
  8. I think I gave him a like thinking it was Wolfie. Why would anyone want to keep changing their username anyway? Fucking creepy weird shit.
  9. Why not just lock up everyone with an opinion? And then fill the site with poofs and trannies like Benjamin Butterworth or Kenny Ethan Jones? Changing the subject slightly, how are your plans for invading Poland going?
  10. I have it on good authority, albeit from an unnamed source, that the Rev. Ian and old snake eyes McGuiness had a threesome with her. Gerry Adams was invited but he was away on one of his frequent camping trips with the priest from St. Joseph’s and half a dozen choirboys.
  11. No need to worry too much. The end of the world, which we keep being told is coming imminently, will save her from the flood/fire/tsunami/famine/heatwave/pandemic/capitalist/racist/white supremacist/misogynistic/Armageddon/whatever. Some cunt has definitely ‘stolen her future’. Donald Trump, I expect.
  12. Jimmy Saville would have had a field day with little Marcus sat on his knee putting the Jim l fix it medal around his neck. And being a dark skinned little chap, the cigar burns on his buttocks would never have been discovered.
  13. Christmas dinner for the resident gerbils.
  14. Good question Frank. I don’t actually know, but I will ask his widow as soon as I’m finished and ease my cock out of her mouth.
  15. Shitting in a bucket and proudly posting the video, is not and never has been ‘cool’. Cool as in ‘hip’ and ‘fashionable’, not cool as in Panzy getting frostbite on his arsecheeks every winter from the outside toilet in his rent free council hovel garden.
  16. A proper bright spark’.
  17. I’ve got much better things to do with my time than trawl through old posts of yours to find any of the dozens of references to me as exactly that. As you’re now quite obviously in love with me, or at the very least fantasising about making love to me, I’d like to take this opportunity to say that I’m not ruling it out, but don’t hold your breath as it’s dead tree season coming up and you know how busy I am at this time of year, wasting my time and effort for next to no reward. 😘😘😘😘😘🌲🎄🌲🎄
  18. He’d have got the biggest shock of his life if one of them had sat up and kissed him, when he’d finished making love to it. I assume he’s not a very religious person, or he’d have surely thought about the welcoming committee of aggrieved zombies with ruptured arseholes gathered at the pearly gates, when he pops his clogs himself.
  19. The stupid cunt should never have videoed himself. Not one of the victims would have turned up in court, and he’d be back at work in no time, whistling away like a goodun, checking the lights in the morgue are all working.
  20. His book is possibly the best insight into human cruelty and suffering I’ve ever read. Not to mention the un breakable will of a very small number of people when everyone around them has given up.
  21. I’ve heard, at parties she’s 😂 been known to balance twelve elephants on it, but the last one has to hang on for dear life with its trunk.
  22. How dare you! I’m not a pervert. The missus pays for all that filth from the money she’s been saving in the wardrobe for years, and thinks I don’t know about.
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