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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Not many people actually know that lions are really just tigers with two coats of magnolia and a wig. A mate told me that along with a few other things which I can’t reveal.
  2. She’d earn her keep though, as a human bottle opener during Drews frequent loss of the use of his arms and legs on the rug in the front room of the bungalow, surrounded by a months worth of cider and extra strength lager on Universal Credit day.
  3. Thanks for being so Frank and having the balls to be honest with me. It’s good to know there’s still a few real men on here who refuse to act like a fake pussy. You da man.
  4. I’m appealing to all the clever science followers on here, to not under any circumstances watch a quick video on YouTube by Tony Heller titled …, ‘Just One Of Those Tragedies. This type of misinformation could lead to an outbreak of previously sensible, mask compliant, Stockholm syndrome afflicted, jibby jab fanatics being radicalised into a modicum of critical thought and possibly even questioning the software they’re running at present in their super duper, quantum computer, big brains, which the Downing St. organ grinders and the MSM monkeys update free of charge for them daily. The Associated Press (who never lie) last week addressed this recent surge in heart failure numbers in the young and healthy, and stated that it was likely due to some previously unknown, but different from the normal, type of cannabis abuse and not connected to the Covid vax, which all these victims had recently taken. They offered no explanation as to how they had arrived at this conclusion, nor did they offer any proof that any of these athletes had tested positive for cannabis use, which both professional and amateur athletes are rigorously subjected to. So that’s cleared that up once and for all hopefully. Next time you’re stepping over the lifeless corpse of some athletic looking youngster outside the local tennis club or football ground, resist the urge to kick the lowlife druggie in the head, as he or she has made the ultimate sacrifice in the war on drugs so you can all sleep safe under the bed for the duration of the war on the Corona virus.
  5. A pretty safe bet to have with an Orangeman Stubbs. What odds are you offering, out of curiosity? And have an ‘o’ and a ‘.’ on me mate.
  6. Of course I’m not suggesting that RK. Wild theories like that would mean people believing their own eyes and wondering why the concert wasn’t halted at any time, while people were dying, ambulances driving through the crowd to attend the dying and dead, while people were shouting ‘Stop the show’ and the ‘artist’ wearing the demonic T shirt on stage carried on rapping. The show must go on as they say. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t give a fuck about any of these fucking cunts who keeled over. Fucking teeth sucking drongs, but everything about this shitshow was overtly demonic, from the advertising, to the stage, to the two cunts headlining. I’m still keeping an open mind on it myself though. lol.
  7. 🎶 Sunday Bloody Sunday 🎶 LOL LOL LOL😂
  8. I passed you in my M4 Ed by Manor Park station. I was heading towards Wanstead. I didn’t honk at you as I was concerned at the manner of your driving, and didn’t want to see you fall off your moped in my imaginary rear view mirror. You’re spot on though. The place is a fucking shit hole. You’re better than most of your neighbours imo. Think seriously about moving.
  9. A polo mint would get his photo on the front page of the Guardian and the Mirror, bobbing along in the Channel next to a sinking dinghy. And an air bed on the floor at Linekers mansion for a couple of days till the tabloids had found some even more pathetic fucking ‘victim’ to make the public feel ashamed of themselves.
  10. The police chief immediately pushed a strange story that a security guard near the stage had been injected in the neck by someone in the crowd and rendered unconscious, the relevance of this I found odd. Six days on and the breaking news is that the victim is saying he got struck on the head and woke up ten minutes later in the medical tent, and at no time did he claim to have been injected. There have been numerous MSM stories in the last couple of weeks of people being mysteriously injected in clubs and music events around the world, even being reported as a very worrying new tactic that date rapists were using all over the U.K. and especially in Scotland, by the BBC. Police Scotland however, within a couple of days stated that they had no evidence of this at all. Typical, but ever more frequent fake news spewed out by the MSM and rarely corrected when found to be total shit. BREAKING NEWS……We’re lying to you again. More to come later.
  11. Frank. I don’t know if we can ever be proper friends if you can’t even spell all properly. Up your game or fuck off immediately.
  12. No to both the question and the mistaken presumption of my compliance to Johnsons tyranny.
  13. I know. Having studied the ariel picture of the stage again, I can now confirm that it in no way bears any likeness to an inverted cross leading into the gates of hell. What was I thinking? Thank God for the Guardian and their team of super duper fact-checking geniuses. And Mr Travis Scott’s shirt emblazoned with pictures of horned devils, which he was wearing on stage has been confirmed as definitely not satanic in any way at all. That’s that all cleared up then.
  14. Nothing much RK. I may have misinterpreted the above.
  15. 4 booster jabs and still no sign of life Ape. His wife has all but given up hope. His amazing and heroic GP should hopefully be able to put her mind at ease when she speaks to him on the phone. I’ve told her to look on the bright side as she’s now only 597th in the queue till she gets to speak to him for 30 seconds.
  16. In that case we’d dig up old snake eyes McGuiness and torture him in Castlereagh until he made a full confession for all his atrocities, renounced the IRA, became a Presbyterian, joined the Orange Lodge, the Sandy Row flute band and the Red Hand Commandos and apologised on UTV news for having ginger hair. Oh and gave back all the dole money he gratefully scrounged from the British Government before he became a celebrity terrorist with 24hr RUC bodyguards. Then respectfully dump his stinking, maggot eaten corpse in the nearest bin for the rats to eat. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧 REM 1690 🇬🇧
  17. Images taken from cctv footage of Franks four visits to the Natural History Museum spanning forty plus years. All recorded in the men’s toilets.
  18. Makes no difference now Stubbs. One more dead fenian is enough for me. It’s just a numbers game now. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  19. Sorry to disappoint you Stubbs but the filthy cunts been dead for a few years now. Hopefully David Fuller was able to give him a damn good fisting in the morgue when he was down there replacing a light bulb.
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