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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Rotherham Taxi cabs ltd. enjoying a rare day off work at the seaside.
  2. ‘The non binary person with no pronoun.’
  3. Oh. I was only thinking about petrol being so expensive.
  4. ‘Go ahead spunk. Make me gay’.
  5. It got ‘deviants’ instead.
  6. This is terrible news. All these doctors, teachers, scientists and lawyers sunk without trace. As they contribute so much to our economy and culture, I do hope the U.K. can somehow survive this massive setback. Once we eventually come through the inevitable period of National grief, mourning, and self flagellation for our sins, obviously.
  7. Just count the teenage white girls who haven’t been groomed and raped should be pretty close.
  8. Couldn’t believe his luck when he walked into the arena and saw a chinese on the table.
  9. I’m sure there’s a rule against that anyway.
  10. Certainly ticks all the right boxes at C4 if it is. The future isn’t turning out as I hoped. I’m guessing you too?
  11. I expect he’ll announce his retirement due to a previously undiagnosed heart condition and be dead by the weekend. So fucking obvious, to me anyway.
  12. One of my neighbours had a son working as an apprentice electrician until recently. The poor boy suffered a totally inexplicable heart attack at work, and as he fell to the floor, grasped a heavy duty live cable, which if he hadn’t already been dead, could have been quite harmful to him. Quite fortunate really.
  13. A friend of mine has a cord from DB Coopers parachute. He found it a couple of years ago still hanging from a tree near Alton Towers. He’s got photos to prove it aswell.
  14. He’s my GP. A very clever man he is too. Keeps borrowing money from me in the pub. Apparently the NHS haven’t paid him for ages as they’ve completely run out of money, which the MSM never mention at all. An absolute piss head but a proper sound bloke. Exactly like Drew would be if he was a sound bloke.
  15. You could do worse than invest your life savings in tinfoil. People laughed at the Bitcoin trailblazers not so long ago. My great, great, great etc. Grandad bought our ancestral castle on the Shankill Rd. next to the UVF club, for the princely sum of 3 tulip bulbs and a pair of clogs in 1636, the day after he returned from a stag weekend in Amsterdam. A wise investor should always look for the bubble, jump straight in and then back out before it goes bang.
  16. A lot more of them have been resting (in peace) than usual, normally after a short rest, flat on their backs on the pitch, surrounded by medics.
  17. One would assume that the medical team at Barcelona FC, before the club agreed a huge multi million euro contract with him, would have discovered the previously undiagnosed heart condition, which caused Sergio Aguerra to collapse during a game, and a couple of weeks later announce his retirement due to said shocking discovery. Some insurance company will now have to payout tens of millions to him. If only they’d insisted on an extensive medical examination, which expecting anyone to believe didn’t happen, is too far fetched even for me to consider. Thoughts?
  18. Sajid Jabit aswell…. the cunts mask is slipping more and more every day. Can’t keep his anger at even the most reasonable questions hidden anymore. Bozo is faking some sort of mental breakdown too, in order to step back and excuse himself from the imminent shitstorm heading this corrupt, incompetent and treasonous governments way.
  19. Fucking hell RK. I wasn’t implying any chicanery by you or Decs, nor do I think DC is planning to knife me right between DonaldTrumps eyes. I was simply responding to Decs ‘Ides of March’ warning. Shakespeare was a cunt.
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