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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I sussed out quite a while ago that F1 isn’t real RK. 3 fucking seconds to change all 4 tyres? Nearly an hour at my local Kwikfit and the cunts about fifty, been working there for years, so he weren’t no mug or fuck all.
  2. Should have spotted his dog collar and told him to fuck off back to church.
  3. You’ve spelled Pitchfork wrong Ed.
  4. I reckon Franky W would easily have beaten Schumacher Sr. in a one lap wheelchair shootout around Brands Hatch, unless it was snowing, obviously.
  5. There’s no doubt the wheel has finally fallen off for Sir Frank, and luckily for him the Williams F1 factory have the technology to knock out a wheelchair and driver shaped coffin on one of their 3D printers, probably free of charge next week in time for his final pit stop. It’s what his 2 sons Venus and Serena would have wanted. ‘Ooh matron!’
  6. Yeah but what would James O’Brien and Jeremy Vine do every day with nothing to talk about?
  7. Great news, as the lease on my bunker doesn’t run out till 2035. Providing I don’t run out of beans and pot noodles. I’ve booked a fortnight in a caravan at Jaywick in early August 2030 Do you think I’m being a bit too confident?
  8. I know it’s a crazy thing to say, but I’m sure there’s probably some far out conspiracy theorist types out there who’d say ‘Donald Trump was actually a damn good President, and patriot, who promised a lot and spent every day trying his best to deliver, with the full force of the establishment trying to stop him.’ Pissy pants Joe Biden has spent Thanksgiving weekend at the country estate of some billionaire Democrat donor. Probably overdosing on adrenachrome and gorging himself at the buffet of kidnapped kids. POTUS 45 in stark contrast paid a surprise 2 day visit on Thanksgiving weekend 2019, his last pre election fraud one, to the US troops in Afghanistan. The fake news media for some strange reason, we’re outraged at this on the grounds that Trump had never served in the military. To them that was the story the American public should be angry about. Just another day at the races for Donald though. His ability to drive the left insane was and still is wonderful to watch.
  9. The Kleftico variant. A new variant of absolutely no interest whatsoever.
  10. The gendarmes have arrested the alleged trafficker, a Kraut who apparently drove to Calais from Germany in his German registered car towing a massive 50 man rigid inflatable boat, totally unnoticed by the French authorities who were probably busy counting the latest containerload of cash from Pritti Patel, silently launched the supertanker sized vessel, and then collected a substantial sum of cash from everyone in the queue of doctors, teachers and assorted future assets to the U.K., as they boarded the Windrush 2, in eager anticipation of their new life, in a four star hotel somewhere in the midlands.
  11. Fucking hell RK. Don’t ask her to explain anything. It’s bad enough when she just dismisses everything Carte Blanche from her position of vastly superior knowledge, but pulling your pants down and demanding a full anal investigation to corroborate her actions is frankly a step too far even for a sworn antiroopser like myself. She’ll tell you everything you need to know but it’s really going to fucking hurt.
  12. What a terrifying prospect that would be. For you obviously. Our history, as a small island nation who conquered, ruled and civilised most of the planet, despite having an annoying and festering, but actually insignificant boil on our arse called Ireland, plus inventing almost everything that has constantly advanced the human race, I’d opt for repeating our history as opposed to yours, which is probably not up amongst the greats. Your call Spud.
  13. Hopefully it won’t come to that Panzyboy. But if it does, do you intend to break your lockdown curfew, slip on your mask,and sneak out of your thatched cottage to sign up for the British Army, in the certain knowledge that you’ll be on the winning side?
  14. Just quoting Sajid Javid our bug eyed Health Secretarys reply when he was asked by some cunt on Twitter last week why he was being told to take a different booster prick than his first two?
  15. ‘Hello Rotherham taxis’ ‘Hi. Who am I spesking to?’ ‘I’m Ali the boss man’ ’I have a complaint to make.’ ’Im sorry sir. What is the problem?’ ’’Well, my 13 year old daughter has just been dropped off by one of your drivers and she appears to have had three ugly brown kids on the way home from school, and looks about 9 months pregnant too.’ ’Oh dear, I’m very sorry sir. What time did she order the taxi sir?’ ’Three fucking years ago you noncing cunt. I think?’ ‘Please don’t swear at me sir or I’ll have to phone the police and have you arrested for racist abuse.’ ’Sorry about that but the main reason I’ve called is that Mahmoud the nice young driver forgot to charge her for the journey. I’ll send her down to your office with the money on the bus, as soon as she farts out no.4 little charwallah on the living room floor’ Allekum Salam.’
  16. ‘SO WHAT! Why don’t you show some respect for the NHS? The Right Honourabke Sadshit Jabit MP on Twitter last week.
  17. They drowned in French waters so what the fuck has it got to do with us anyway?
  18. Don’t bother Roops. I’m talking about cunts who live in mud huts probably and wouldn’t have access to any of the ‘alternative’ Covid pass IDs that you say don’t exist. No need to reply, honestly. Unless you’re going to totally agree with everything I’ve ever posted and apologise profusely.
  19. Just been confirmed that all 4 cases of the new variant lol in the U.K. are all fully vaccinated. No shit! Of course the are. How else could they have flown in to the country from Africa? So what’s the advice from our clever government puppets and lizard scientists disguised as bug eyed humans…..Get your booster jabs ASAP. Is it me or have most of the world been walking around without a fucking brain since last March?
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