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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Are your gerbils looking forward to your upcoming Christmas party?
  2. Ape and Drew meet for a split second at 15000 ft above ground level. Drew is ascending and Ape is hurtling towards the Earth. Ape asks ‘Do you know anything about propellor blades? Drew replies ‘Fuck all mate, do you know anything about Potterton gas boilers?
  3. Aye right. We’ll see about that. So we will.
  4. That threesome with the gorgeous twins you were boasting about the other week DC. A mate of mine who wasn’t there but wouldn’t lie to me, told me today that Jedward both agreed it was fucking awful, and possibly the worst they’d ever been paid to participate in.
  5. Excellent PC. Cunting Frank off will definitely reduce the ferocity of quite a few of the kicks coming your way. You’re showing some potential already.
  6. The BBC like to refer to the grooming gangs in Rotherham which have totted up a victim count of more than 1400 underage and almost entirely white girls in the past ten years alone as ‘Asian’. That’s when they occasionally report the scandal at all. The average consumer of this fake news might reasonably imagine large gangs of Japanese, Chinese, Sri Lankan, Malaysian, Singaporean, Indonesian, Indian, Outer Mongolian or many other ethnic people, roaming the streets grabbing any unlucky young girl they can find. The words Pakistani and Bangladeshi are very rarely mentioned in relation to this fucking ongoing scandal. Shameful beyond words, but normal practice for the Islam loving BBC tossers.
  7. I remember when he was kipping in DCs garage for a few months, when McClaren lost his bank details and didn’t bother paying him.
  8. ‘And Hamilton has pitted. All four tyres have been chsnged but there seems to be a problem lining up his right hook. He’s going to have to drive the rest of the GP with his left hook and a stump. Fucking cripple.
  9. That’s a little bit unfair Neil. Surely Sir Lewis of Hamilmongs childhood, growing up on the mean streets of the leafy Hertfordshire commuter belt, fighting off daily racist attacks by murderous grammar school thugs, on his way to the go kart track, where the KKK youth would try to ram him off the circuit at every opportunity, with his certain death as their only objective. And nowadays he chooses to live in the Monte Carlo ghetto, risking his life every time he ventures out to the casino or grab a few necessities from the local Gucci or Versace convenience store. The guy is from the streets Neil. Being the highest earner in F1 and well on his way to becoming a billionaire hasn’t changed him a bit. He’s still the same cunt he always was. And I know for a fact that he’s scared shitless to race me. I’ve sent him loads of emails telling him that, and he hasn’t replied to any of them. The man’s a fucking disgrace imo.
  10. His cellmate would be a good starting point in the search for the culprit.
  11. Don’t worry too much Gypps. Once the fighting starts it’ll be much easier to know who to smash over the nut with a chair, and hopefully empty the till, nick all the booze and be long gone before the gavvers arrive
  12. I have no more knowledge about PC than yourself or anyone else here Decs. I’m not sure if Ive let my cover slip at all but I’ll admit to you now that I’m ‘slightly’ sceptical of almost everything re. the narrative that the cabal of indisputable tyrants and all round cunts, you told him not to mention, constantly push on the public, through the dishonest MSM. But even though he appears to have a quite similar interpretation of the current Clownworld NWO which is becoming more and more the new normal every day, I don’t think that gives him any immunity from the time honoured merciless beating which we’ve all endured as newbies. I have a sneaking suspicion he’ll be up to the test.
  13. The Nazi moon bases don’t exist. That story was a really clever decoy. It’s the vast industrial and military complexes deep under the Antarctic, that will prove decisive when Adolf launches his next blitzkrieg, and all the clever cunts are caught with their pants down, staring at the moon.
  14. That’s one of the things I’ve really missed Decs. None of my reliable sources have been able to tell me with any degree of certainty, whether my trip to Budapest in January will put it right. The dental clinic just say they don’t understand the question every time I ask. Their English is actually much better than mine though when it comes to discussing payment.
  15. That explains Punkers day release from the cooler.
  16. I’ve just realised how fucking rude I’ve been to you. Please accept my apology. Welcome to the corner PC. Drink bleach and fuck off. 😂
  17. I’ve been banging on about all this for a fucking long time mate. The script has been written and followed for 40 years and more. Unfortunately we’re living in the end times of what I and everyone else lazily took for granted, freedom, bodily autonomy, democracy, and the ridiculous idea that everything would be OK forever and history wouldn’t repeat itself as it has always done. I agree that it’s probably way too late to stop the horror story that’s knocking at the door.
  18. Bozo will fall into line shortly after, like the good little puppet he blusters and pretends not to be. We are being ruled by an even worse type of dictator. At least the fucking EU aren’t even trying to hide their plans for the plebs anymore. We’re stuck with a cabal of decepticons who haven’t even got the klinkers to tell the public the miserable future they’ve decided for us.
  19. Seems a pretty reasoned response, considering the 220 confirmed cases worldwide, as of two days ago, of this ‘variant’ which has so far shown only signs of being less harmful than the previous ‘variants’, which by all accounts seemed to be getting less harmful every day. Am I missing something here? Forcibly inject every unwilling person in the EU (150 to 200 million) with a rushed and increasingly apparently harmful, if not deadly, chemical cocktail to halt the spread of a virus which mostly kills people at the tail end of their lives anyway, and appears to be mutating into even less dangerous variants constantly. Ignoring the fact that the vaccinated sheeple are just as likely to catch and pass on the wet fart virus as the pure bloods who’ve seen through the BS from the start. Wake up ffs.
  20. Ape staring at me with his mask on for years would definitely tip me over the edge Stubbs. The fumes from all that helicopter paint in a poorly ventilated bunker too is a recipe for disaster. I can’t see it as a good idea at all.
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