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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Just send them all back on the train to their natural habitat. Scotland.
  2. Fair enough. What a fool I’ve been, not listening to the smart people who’ve been telling us all to wear masks to protect everyone else for nearly two years now. Smart people, such as the motley collection of so called world leaders at the G7 circle jerk in Cornwall this summer, virtuously posing for the photo op with their lifesaving masks on, and then all hugging in large groups and shaking hands an hour later, without a mask in sight (apart from the little people waiting on them, and the security personnel protecting their sorry arses), when they thought their charade was out of public view and not necessary any more? Or the entire Labour Party front bench partying away at their conference, days after faking outrage in the commons, pointing at the maskless Tories on the opposite benches? Or the MOBO awards last night where masks were nowhere to be observed, and the same virtue signallers who daily pontificate on Twitter to the idiots who don’t do as they’re told? Or Dr. Hillary preaching to the gullible twats who tune in to GMB and then being snapped shopping without a you know what on? I could go on but I think you get the point I’m making, even though I’m certain you’ll just point out that I’m a thicko and that’s that. 😷🐑💉😂
  3. You’re always welcome Stubbs, but if you roll up and you’ve got a mask on, you can fuck right off. Eric won’t stand for any of that shit mate, unless he finds a bag of pills when he’s frisking you. In which case hell confiscate them and let you in, but he’ll be keeping an eye on you mate.
  4. There’s so many other reasons to despise the little cunt that I sometimes forget the most obvious one.
  5. Normally, upon reading such a blatant defamation of my character I would immediately instruct my team of crack lawyers to start litigation proceedings against you. But as there seems to be a general consensus that I’m far from normal, I’ll let it go this time Stubbers, as you’re on my list of ‘non lizard people’ which I’ve been compiling for a few years now, in case I don’t make it through to the other side when the apocalypse rolls into town.
  6. I’m assuming he’s worked out that he’ll never make any money from this product, unless it’s priced significantly less than a gas oven.
  7. If you could just pull your head out of your arse for a minute or two and try to keep up, I’ll repeat it again. I have not and will not be partaking of any of the experimental mRNA vaccinations, which are still approved for ‘emergency use only’. Describing me as ‘jabbed to the hilt’ when it’s patently obvious that I believe they aren’t proven to be safe and also totally unnecessary for healthy people under a certain age, simply because I’ve been abroad twice in the last few months and therefore 2+2 = jabbed to the hilt, according to the quantum computer you actually appear to believe resides inside your head. I know it’s a bit of a crazy thing to ask you but here goes anyway. Have you ever seriously considered the possibility that you don’t know everything? 😘😷🐑💉
  8. A few weeks ago? When no one in England was mandated to wear a face nappy in a pharmacy or anywhere else? Either your local pharmacy is in Wales, you’ve made this story up, (something you’ve accused me of) in an unsuccessful attempt to make your finger wagging lecture a bit less boring, or the customer was entirely within his rights to expect to enter the pharmacy without some purple haired, virtue signalling, teenage idiot throwing her shit covered love eggs out of her rainbow coloured pram, and no doubt taking a month off work afterwards due to the trauma and damage caused to her mental health. Poor little snowflake. I do hope she’ll recover from such a horrific ordeal in time for Christmas (if it ever happened).
  9. Who rattled your bellend? Poking your huge appendage into other members discourse as usual. I suggest you pay more attention to your spelling and less to other peoples conversations, you weird old freak.
  10. 😷🐑💉LOL LOL LOL😂😂😂
  11. I don’t think I’d fuck that, even if my missus was in hospital or gone to stay at her mums for the night. Maybe if I’d had a couple of shandies and no one else was around. I definitely wouldn’t boast about it though.
  12. James Hunt would have turned up still pissed from the night before, won the race by at least ten laps, fucked Max and Lewis’ birds up the arse at least twice, wiped his dick clean on David Coulthards jumper and downed that huge bottle of champagne in one go before anyone else had crossed the finish line. At which time he’d be pissed as a cunt again, probably knock out the entire pit lane and head off home down the motorway in Frank Williams wheelchair doing about 300 MPH.
  13. I disagree RK. The whole transphobia agenda which the left and their MSM propagandists have carefully cultivated and would like the public to believe is a huge problem, is a total invention to further their divisionist strategy which has in the past set whites against blacks, straights against benders, men against women and the working class against the middle and upper classes. They’ve now turned lezzers against the trannies who’ve now got perceived issues with actual biological women, who are now being labelled as transphobic if they don’t like the idea of some cunt with a nine inch cock and a beard lurking in the women’s toilets, or the girls changing rooms at their kids school. The cocktuckers are just pawns in the sick ideology being force fed to the stupid public who have let this shit be drip fed to them for decades now and don’t even question the fucking nonsense of it all, even though they know it’s fucking madness and totally wrong.
  14. Wheelbarrows don’t run on petrol, good old fashioned potato power, so the average mick would assume it was poteen, take a big slug and not even notice that his huge bonce was on fire.
  15. We play cricket up North. A cricket ball and a milk bottle full of four star feel the same when you’re a youngster deciding which is the best way forward in life.
  16. She’s living in cloud cuckoo land if she thinks the grass roots Labour base will turn a blind eye to her disgusting lack of antisemitism. If she goes on loose women and lets it slip that she has a swastika tattoo on her arse, she could be onto a winner.
  17. If Ape hadn’t grassed you up you might have got away with it, just like almost every other cunt in there who wasn’t the slightest bit bothered about the latest ‘variant’ which threatens to end all life on Earth (possibly).
  18. King Billy

    Piers morgan

    Between you and me Gypps, I have incontrovertible evidence that ‘she’ packs a weapon of mass destruction down below, that would make Pen fly into a jealous rage. Surely it’s Adam’s apple hasn’t escaped your attention?
  19. A very good point Panzy. As you’ve brought it up, please tell us all, how 21 months of lockdowns, mask wanking, social distancing, and virtually every single one of you ‘rebels’ lol in Eire, meekly rolling up the sleeves of your donkey jackets for the jib jab, have worked out for you all? Was your 6 weeks of the ‘new normal’, since ‘freedom day’ was unfortunately not delivered as promised worth the wait? Maybe a couple more years of the same and you’ll be on course to flatten the curve and Leo and Mad Mick might grant you a couple of weeks to test the ‘new normal’ v2.0. 🇬🇧 REMEMBER 1690 🇬🇧
  20. That’s cleared up that then. Fantastic.
  21. Panzy. Has your extremely long wait for ‘Freedom Day’ which was promised to all you mask wankers and jab hungry idiots for a year and a half to be guaranteed on 22 Oct., and then snatched from you at the last minute, by Leo the boxticker extraordinaire bender and Mad Mick (the ‘straight guy’ half of the comedy duo at the head of your ‘government’) for no apparent reason, and instead granting all you fish hungry seals what they called the ‘start of the new normal’ been worth the wait? In retrospect Panz. Have you considered the possibility that perhaps all your bluster and rose tinted rhetoric about your fight for freedom against the sadistic and inhuman Imperial British Empire a hundred years ago, may be about to look rather foolish?, as the tyrants you’ve elected have taken off their masks and revealed what they have planned for you in the coming months and years. A hundred years from now your great grandkids will be sitting around ‘didleedeeing’ in some hovel, singing about the grand old days when the Brits protected you from yourselves. 🇬🇧 NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧
  22. You’ve spelled life wrong PC. Just saying.
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